Chapter 38

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Crazy in Love- Monsta X

Caroline POV

"Elena!?" I shouted relieved.

I see Elena standing in front of Damon, Stefan, Elijah, and I. She seemed out of breath with a worried expression on her face.

"It's Bonnie." She stated gasping for breath.

"Wait Elena are you okay?" Damon asked ignoring what she said definitely more concerned with Elena's well-being than her best friend's.

"Yeah I am fine, but Bonnie is still in the cellar with all three of them." She said catching her breath finally.

"All three of them?" Stefan spoke to no one in particular.

"Klaus." I said. "He is already there."

Still worried about Elena I glanced back at her and said, "I'll make sure Bonnie is safe don't worry Elena," and with that I ran away towards the Lockwood cellar my blonde curls flying in the wind.

I stood a couple feet away from Klaus staring at him with concern in my eyes. I glanced down at his clothes, there seemed to be blood everywhere. His left sleeve on his shirt was hanging by a thread and his pants had a huge hole where it looked like he had been stab by some sort of weapon or gardening tool. Klaus wouldn't meet my eyes and walked away from me quickly.

"Klaus!" I shouted towards him wondering why he was so upset besides the fact that his clothes seemed to be tore to shreds. "Klaus!" I shouted again about to chase after him.

"Wait." I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a familiar voice.

I looked towards the person.

"Elijah, I need to speak to him." I protested.

"Caroline you told Elena you would take care of Bonnie, now go find her. I know Klaus is your Love and you want to be with him, especially now in this situation, but you must go and see to your friends if you want any at all. I'll take care of my stubborn brother." Elijah told me. I nodded realizing he is smarter than me and I should keep my word.

Elijah sped off with his vampire speed and I watched him go.

I started down into the cellar hoping Bonnie is okay. Klaus couldn't of hurt her he knows how much my friends mean to me. I make it down the stairs and see another familiar figure.


"Caroline!" He said surprised. "I-uh-um-What are you doing here?" He asked me with his thick French accent as I forgot he was from France.

"I should be asking you that..." I said slowly. "Pierre what were you thinking?" I exclaimed knowing most definitely he was involved with Elena's kidnapping and possible torture.

"Look...don't lecture me. Your boyfriend already made it clear that I am never to speak to you again." Pierre waved his arms at me avoiding eye contact.

What is with everyone? Just look me in the eyes. Am I really that scary?

"What? Klaus?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm leaving as soon as possible." He told me about to walk pass me. 

"Hold on." I stopped him touching his chest. I retrieve my hand quickly feeling his warm body heat through his shirt. He glances at where I touched him then stares at me with a smirk. "You better wipe that smug look off your face before I do it for you."

"Please do." He winks at me. I rolled my eyes scoffing.

"I'm not here for you I'm trying to find Bonnie, but..." I looked down then back up at him our eyes locking.

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