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Narrative POV

Caroline, the twins, and the rest of the wedding party minus Klaus stood inside the white wedding tent waiting to give the all clear to start the ceremony. Everyone had their flowers placed either on their suits or in their hands. As for Clementine her baby breath flowers and pink rose petals were placed in her brown woven basket. 

"The rings are ready right?" Caroline asked as Claire touched up her makeup.

"Yeah Uncle Kol is putting them on my pillow right now." Aren answered.

"No! Not Kol!" Caroline shouted and Kol stopped in his tracks. "Matt." Caroline said his name and he came next to her. Caroline opened the box and gestured Matt to put it on his pillow. "Klaus's ring has werewolf venom infused in it. If you hold it the wrong way it could...you know." Caroline trailed off as everyone knew what she meant. 

"Oh, nice touch Blondie." Damon said and Caroline smiled proudly. 

"Wouldn't that effect when he holds you hand or whatever?" Elena asked. 

"Not exactly. There is a special micro button that releases the venom, but still I don't want to take any chances." Caroline explained. 

"Okay I think we are all ready. Everyone set?" Caroline asked. "Okay let's do this."

Elijah, Klaus's best man stepped out of the tent and signaled the orchestra to start.

The orchestra started to play a sweet slow melody. Elijah and Claire were first to step out and take their place outside. In the grass in front of the Eiffel tower just like Klaus and Caroline planned. White wooden chairs were placed on each side on the aisle with a white carpet placed in the middle. A big arch with white and pink flowers covering it sat at the end of the aisle with Stefan ready to preform the ceremony and Klaus waiting for his bride. 

Carolines breath became short and she started to sweat nervously. Yes she can't wait to marry Klaus. And yes she has been waiting for this moment all her life, but it is still terrifying. 

As Clementine and Aren waited in line, Aren took a quick glance toward his sisters glossy lace up shoes and then looked away quickly. 

"I felt that Ren." Clementine said angrily. As she bent down to re-tie her shoes that he untied with his magic that only took the strength of a glance. 

"If you were actually good at magic you would have stopped me or at least laced them back up with your magic and not manually." Aren teased her like he always did. 

Clementine smirked, "Okay LITTLE brother." Aren frowned at her squinting with annoyance. 

"Stop it you two. Go Ren, you're up." Caroline said pushing him towards the opening of the tent. 

Aren stepped out of the tent walking slowly with the rhythm of the music. Using his magic he levitated the pillow that held Caroline and Klaus's rings until he made it to the end. He placed the pillow in front of Stefan and stood at the end of the line of groomsman. Clementine was the last of the wedding party and stepped out holding the basket in one arm and using her magic to float the flowers out and place them on the white carpet. Clementine took her place up front. 

The music stopped then the congregation stood as the Canon in D the classic bride song played. Caroline took a deep breath then stepped out of the white tent. Caroline started to walk forward, spotting Klaus, and keeping her eyes on him. Klaus stared at Caroline intensity in his eyes as he fought back tears. Caroline smiled as she was only a few steps away from her future husband. 

Caroline handed her bouquet to Claire to hold while Klaus and Caroline joined hands as the music ended and Stefan started the ceremony. Klaus and Caroline stared at each other as Stefan said lovely things. Promises made out of love and sealing it with a kiss. The congregation watched quietly smiles flooding their faces as if they were the ones getting married. 

Pierre Williams was sitting in the front row the ends of his mouth curved up into a smile. He has been exploring the world meeting new people and learning what love is. He couldn't be happier for Klaus and Caroline. He is just happy he was able to be apart of their life and this time a more positive way.

"Do you Caroline Forbes take NiKlaus Mikaelson to be your loving husband for the rest of eternity?" Stefan asked as he handed her the ring

"I do." Caroline put the ring on carefully.

"And do you NiKlaus Mikaelson take Caroline Forbes to be your loving wife for the rest of eternity?" Stefan asked handing Caroline's ring to Klaus.

"I do." Klaus put the ring on Caroline's small hand.

"You may kiss your bride." Klaus scooped Caroline in his arms and kissed her lovingly as Caroline did the same. Cheers and applause were blurred in their ears as the only thing they cared about this second was their warm embrace. 

"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson." Caroline whispered as they pulled away still hugging each other, noses touching. 

"I love you Caroline Mikaelson."

The end.


I hope you have all enjoyed "The Unexpected". 

I worked so hard on this story. So many times I have thought of discontinuing it, but loyal readers like you (yes you) make it all worth it. 

I have come so far and it is all thanks to you all. I am so very very grateful. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I don't know how to explain my feelings I am so sad to see these characters go, but I am also so happy and proud of myself for finishing. My first story ever completed. I can finally click completed on my first book ever. 

Do not forget to check out my story "Notes For Stories" to see my notes I wrote throughout the series.

Thank you so much. 

Thank you my beautifuls!


Pink Kitty 

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