Chapter 6

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I was dressed took a shower makeup and hair was all done. I look on my makeup table and saw the necklace Klaus gave me and put it on. It actually went perfectly with my outfit. I heard my phone vibrating on my desk and saw it was Tyler. A little smile crept on my face. Before I remembered he broke my heart. My smile quickly turned to a frown. I answered the phone.

"Hello" I said.

"...." I heard nothing.


"Tyler! I found your phone it was under your shirt!" A girl shouts. "Hello is anyone there?"

"...." I didn't say anything and hung up the phone.

Tyler has already moved on. I felt my eyes starting to swell up and a lump form in my throat. Caroline you are not going to cry over Tyler! I swallow the lump and walk toward the door to leave. I grabbed the keys to my Ford Fusion and grabbed my black and blush pink leather purse. I drove to the grill hoping to run into Matt on his shift, but hoping I will not run into Elena, Bonnie, Tyler, or Klaus. The only person that I would love to see would be Matt.


I shouldn't see him. What he did this morning was highly inappropriate.

But I let it happen.

I parked in the front so I wouldn't have to walk so far. I walked in and see Matt cleaning some tables. He saw me and smiles, a kind of smile that says 'Hey Caroline you need to talk.' And I did indeed needed to talk.

"Hi Care how's it going?" He said holding a bucket of dirty dishes.

"I am doing pretty good. What about you?" I asked in return.

"I am doing okay, but what's wrong?" He said sensing I need to talk.

"You know me too well, when's your next break?" I asked.

"About 5 minutes good?" He responded as he finished wiping down the table he was once working on.

"Yeah I will get us a table." I said pointing with my thumb towards a couple chairs and tables behind me.

I snatch a table near a window for a good view of the town. I know where everything is in this town. I was born here, I grew up here, I know this town like the back of my hand. Its ridiculous. I really need to get out of this small town. I need to explore I don't want to be here forever there are other things to do out there in the world. Klaus's voice echoed through my head as I remembered what he said to me last year on my birthday. Pushing Klaus out of my mind, I ordered us both waters and Matt came over a couple minutes after our waters arrived.

"So what's the trouble?"

"Well first things first. I just want to thank you for putting up with all my drama and making you use your break to talk to me."

"Sure thing Care." Matt says appreciably.

"Okay so here's the thing, Tyler obviously accidentally called me or something because my phone was ringing and it was him so I answered" Matt occasionally nodded his head in understand meant that told me he was listening. "I mean I don't want to be that girl who can't even talk to her ex. So when I answered I hear a girl talking to Tyler."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah and it wasn't his mom... For sure."

"Well he has been busy lately." Matt thinks.

"So he is with someone. Do you know how serious he is?" I say feeling my jealously get the best of me.

"Well obviously she is just a rebound I mean look at you Caroline you are stunning! But I'm saying that as a friend." Matt said with a small laugh. "You have nothing to worry about!"

"Are you sure?" I say not convinced.


"Thank you Matt that's exactly what I needed." I thank him.

"Well I should probably get back to work."

"Yeah and I have some errands to run before I head home so I will see you later. Bye Matt!" I say and we both walked in opposite directions.

"Bye Care!"

It was a long day and I was glad to just get some sleep. Too bad I can't go for a late run. I would probably fall asleep while I am running. I couldn't help, but think about my dream last night and wonder who it was that saved me?

Could it have been Matt?

Tyler saving?

Surely it couldn't be Klaus I mean why would he...Oh wake up Caroline he loves me and I...I don't know how I feel about that...I started to think about this morning and about how his hand was on mine and it felt so strong and safe. I drifted into a deep sleep with Klaus Mickaelson stuck in my mind.

Klaus's POV (First time doing this! Future ones will be longer!)
I walk through the woods thinking of this morning and trying to figure out Caroline. I find myself at her house I look through her window to find her asleep in a deep slumber. I climb through the window to see her closer. I see her. Her perfect skin as soft as velvet its self. Her graceful curls flowing on to her pillow so elegantly. She is so beautiful, Aphrodite herself can't be prettier than her. My finger rubbed against her soft cheek as I went to put a strand of hair behind her ear. Out of my trance looking at her I remember her mother would hear me I left quickly with Caroline Forbes stuck in my mind.



They are obviously falling in love!

Don't forget to.....




Love you all my beautifuls!


Nellie Raye

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