Chapter 7

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Caroline POV
It was Monday that meant school. I was so glad I was a senior. I'll be done soon enough. Except my senior year is not what I thought it would be. These are suppose to be my glory days! Come on! Even though I am complaining I still went. I drive up to school and park. After I turned off the car I was glad that I don't have the same lunch shift as Bonnie and Elena. There is a catch though I have two classes with them but I will just have to bear with it. I get out of the car and headed over to my locker to get my books. Before I even got into school I got stopped by a blonde. 

A blonde bitch.

"Hello Caroline."

"Rebekah what do you want?"

"I just need to ask you a simple question." She says with a perky smile.

"What then?" I say annoyed

"Why you of all people do you like my brother?"

"W- what I don't!" I say startled by her question. 

"Well you sure act like you do!" She snaps back.

"Well I don't."
"Caroline your joking right?!" She says putting her hand on her hip.

"What?" I say completely confused.
"You can't be that big of a blonde I mean everyone knows you like Klaus." She says cocking her head to the side. 

"I don't know we're this is coming from?"

"Well first I don't have a dagger in my heart, my brother has not been this happy in century's..... Shall I go on?" She says with a 'I told you so smile'. I just walk away. "Yeah you walk away just like you do with Klaus!" She yells after me. I turn around and looked at Rebekah straight in her devil eyes. 

"I never walk away from anything."

"Damn!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turn and see him.


"Hey care."
"No. You are not allowed to call me that!"
"Care come on" He walks toward me and put his hand on my shoulder as I went to walk away. I smacked his hand off me.
"Don't! Just don't!"

"Caroline wait!" I hear him shout after me, but I continue so I can get to the bathroom before my tears could smear my makeup. I breath heavily to try to calm  myself down.




"5" I count after every breath
"Okay, okay, you can do this you can make it through the day." I stare at myself in the mirror to give myself confidence.

*ring ring*

 I hear the bell go off. I stop at my locker to gather my books before I head into hell.

Klaus POV
I woke up this morning without a big wave of rage flowing over me. Usually every morning I have this feeling of rage that I need to rip someone's head off or put a dagger in one of my siblings hearts, but today I felt better than okay, I feel good. I jog downstairs to the kitchen. As I went down the stairs the smell of bacon filled the air. I walk into the kitchen towards the island that Elijah was at wiping up the counter.

"Good morning Nicklaus!" Elijah says to me with a delightful smile.

"Looks like I am not the only one that is happy?" I say squinting at him. 

"Well I am having a great morning."

"Why is that?"

"I made breakfast!" Elijah says proudly.

"Your joking." I say raising an eyebrow at him. "Where is Alice?"

"I let her take the day off."

"Why we are going to starve!" I shout at Elijah.

"Clam down Nicklaus." He says as he brought a plate over with a paper towel over the top of it. "I made breakfast!" He pulls a paper towel off as if he is a gourmet chef and shows me bacon.

"This is food?"


"Elijah this is charcoal. You wasted a package of bacon!" I say banging the burnt bacon against the edge the granite table. 

"No I didn't it is fine why is everyone saying that!"

"Who else agrees with me?"I chuckle.

"Rebekah." He mumbles. 

"Oh Elijah nice try, but better get Alice back here."I laugh.

"Fine." We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

"So what is the real reason you are happy?" I say pouring myself a drink. 

"Well.....Nicklaus I have some news to share." Elijah says hesitant. 

"Well get on with it." I say gesturing with my hands. 

"Claire is coming for a visit." Elijah says as he looks at my face to see an expression.

"Claire? Claire?"

"Yes....Why do you seem confused?"

"I am not. I am surprised. Why is she coming?" I say taking a sip of my drink. 


"This is Claire right? Claire? Claire Williams?" I say making sure we are on the same page.

"Yes! Good god! Who else? What's wrong with you your acting different?" Elijah asks.

"No it's just....Just tell me why is she coming?" I say not wanting to change the subject.

"She is coming because she says she wants shall I put this.....She wants to live here?" Elijah finally says. I almost choke on my drink. 

"What in the bloody hell!? Why? We haven't seen each other in decades!?"

"She wants to see what Mystic Falls is like. She said people are raving about this place." Elijah says.

"Raving? Really who is this person again? It cannot be Claire, for sure.." I say sarcastically. 

"Nicklaus be serious she is here because she wants to see us again."

"You mean she wants to see you again." I say raising my eyebrows while pouring myself some more bourbon in my glass. 

"I thought we left the past behind us?"

"Oh I did but you didn't obviously." I took a long gulp of my bourbon.

"Well I am sorry I can't she just.........I apologized for my actions in the past but you can still be living in them Klaus! Now just so you know she will be home around 3:30." He left saying that and now I was left all alone.

Until 3:30.


So who is this Claire girl?

What is going to happen?

Don't forget to...





Nellie Raye

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