Chapter 39

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Baby Don't Like It- NCT 127

Caroline POV

"Excuse me?" I said in utter 'aw'.

How could he ask me something that absurd?

"You want a kiss?" I asked again making sure I heard him correctly.

"Why yes." Pierre said nonchalantly. "Why wouldn't I want a kiss from the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my four hundred and twenty-one years of life."

I blushed slightly at his words. "I am very flattered Pierre, but I cannot kiss you." I said shyly, suddenly his presence making me feel vulnerable.

"Caroline." Pierre whispered my name as he came closer to me. He lifted his hand grabbing a strand of my golden curls slowly putting it behind my ear. I felt his cold finger tips linger on my ear. "He doesn't have to know. All I am asking for is a kiss My Darling. That's it. Then we can go along with our lives as if nothing happened." Pierre told me suddenly this feeling of having no control over myself washed over me.

"But, I love Klaus." I protested whispering as well.

"I know Caroline, but if you kiss will know for sure that you have no feelings toward me." He lifted my chin with his fingers as I felt his coldness again. "Then you will not have to question anything anymore." Pierre explained.

"What if I do have actual feelings toward you though?" I asked him.

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it My Darling."

What am I thinking?

Am I really going to kiss Pierre?

Just to make sure I don't have an feelings...wait...I'm not doing this for me I am doing this for his family. To make him stay in Mystic Falls with Claire, not for my own gain.

"Wait a second." I said pushing his hand away. "What are you saying?"

"W-What do you mean?" Pierre seemed to be caught off guard.

"You know exactly what I mean. You asked for a kiss in exchanged for you to stay in Mystic Falls with your sister. However, somehow you got inside my head and made me think I need to kiss you for myself...wait...that's it." My eyes widened in horror as I raised my head to look at him in his bright green eyes.

All this time.

This whole time.

It was never was him.

"You have been controlling me!" I shouted terrified. "You have been getting inside my head making me think I have some sort of feeling toward you! That drawing feeling I felt wasn't natural, it was you it was always you." I felt even more betrayed then ever before.

"What? I would never!" Pierre shouted back.

"How could you even denied it! You tricked me!"

"I didn't get inside you head Caroline." Pierre said more calming sighing. "What I did to you is much worse."

"What are you talking about? How else could you make me feel this way? The only explanation is you are getting inside my head." I said thinking out loud.

"Caroline there is so much more to this world than just vampires, werewolves, and witches." Pierre told me.

"What could you possibly be talking about?" I asked. "I don't want to be that person,...but you are starting to sound a little bit insane."

"Caroline you must listen to me." Pierre said seriously making me feel a bit frightened. "I'm not a vampire."

"W-What? T-Then what the hell are you?"

"I'm a fairy."

Klaus POV

"Why would you ever bloody suggest a house party?!" Elijah yelled at me.

"I'm sorry brother, but I forgot the part where this is my fault." I shot back at him.

"How is this not your fault?" Elijah threw his hands up in the air clearly frustrated.

"Well for starters, I'm not the one who brought her back to Mystic Falls, you did that one yourself. Secondly, you're the reason she is bored. Maybe you should entertain your Love, instead of just going around donating to charities and saving puppies...or whatever it is you do with your time. What do you do with your time?" I asked genuinely curious my mind starting to wander.

"What makes you think I do any of that?" Elijah shook his head at me. "Also it's not my fault Claire is a princess and has the attention span of a six year old. Do you know how hard it is to entertain her?" Elijah complained.

"Of course I do. I had to try to win her over in the 1700s. How could I forget." I stated rolling my eyes.

"Well I guess this party could help her get her energy out then she would realize that it isn't that exciting in the end." Elijah stated. Elijah sighed loudly then plopped himself onto a seat on the couch. "Who am I kidding? This will only make Claire want even more."

"What do you mean?" I asked curious.

"More parties, more people, music, lights, just more of the city life." Elijah explained. "As fun as that all was back in the 1600s and 1700s, it's not as exhilarating as it use to be. I'm over it, but she...isn't." Elijah shook his head.

"Well if I dare speak out," I looked at Elijah for permission he nodded, "I think that.... well Claire is still young. Even though she is about three hundred years old that doesn't mean that her soul is that old. Claire's soul is still young she still wants to experience what it's like to be young." I walked over to my cupboard that I kept stashed with liquor. "What it's like to be a young adult and still have all the livelihood of every other young adult her age." I grabbed two glasses and my strongest whiskey and poured us both a cup. "It will be like this for a few years Elijah... if you really love her though you will stick with her and wait for her. She will grow out of it eventually." I hand Elijah a glasses and took a seat.

Elijah stares at the glasses and then looks up at me. "You know what NiKlaus that is probably the most intelligent thing you have ever said in your one thousand years of life."

"How shut up." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my whiskey and grimaced at the taste.

"What about you brother?" Elijah asked.

I look towards him confused.

"I mean what are you planning on doing to win Caroline back. I'm sure she is furious at you." Elijah explained.

"Well I haven't thought that far yet. I honestly have no idea. I know expensive jewelry and flowers won't do it. She will think I am just trying to buy her. Which Caroline is definitely not a object to be bought she is a special person. I should have never treated her that way." I looked down then took a long drink of the strong drink swallowing hard.

"Tell her that." I glanced up at my brother. "I think the best and only thing you can do is talk to her."

I think it over.

He's right (like always) the only thing that will work is talking to Caroline telling her everything. I'm sick of keeping my feelings hidden.

Hopefully I'm not too late.


Finally Nellie Raye!

I know! I know!

What do you think I kind of added a little twist...

Don't forget to...





I love you all my Beautifuls!


Nellie Raye

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