Chapter 40

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You Can't Hold My Heart- Monsta X

Caroline POV

"A fairy? A fairy." I spoke. "You have to be joking. There is no such thing."

"Coming from the girl who is dating Klaus. The Original hybrid." Pierre smarted back.

"Okay that's besides the fact, plus a fairy that's nonsense. Vampires and werewolves? Sure. But a Fairy, that is a 'fairy-tale'." I said putting air quotes around 'fairy-tale'.

"So nightmares can be true, but not fairy-tales?" Pierre said referring to vampires and werewolves as nightmares.

I glared a Pierre annoyed with the valid point he made.

"Fine lets say you are a 'fairy'," I said putting air quotes around fairy once more, "Then how was I attracted to you so easily?"

"Oh...right....that." Pierre cringed remembering now that he has revealed his true identity he must tell me the so called 'truth' about his species. "Okay well, each fairy has their own specific power for themselves. Some fairies have the same or similar powers. Some have powers where they can predict specific events that will happen in the future to someone or some can see the past of someone. There are also more, some powers are more elite and complicated than others. Each fairy's power sort of matches with your personality. Some certain powers are more rare than others and some are not..."

"Well what kind of powers do you have?" I asked curiously.

"Mine is a little bit more complicated and elite than the others..." Pierre trailed off.

"Seems fitting though since you are well...a Prince." I stated adding a point.

"Caroline I can control emotions."

I paused staring at him blinking. "You're kidding. That is nuts!" I exclaimed.

"Caroline believe me I know how it sounds, this power is a bit more rare than others, but still quite common, I have been able to master my power over the centuries-"

"Wait that is another thing that doesn't add up. If Claire is a vampire and your sister how have you lived on if you are not a vampire?"

"Fairies have a long life span, but we do not live forever. And when I say mastered my powers...what I mean by that is others with this power have to be in a close proximity or have to have physical contact with the person they are altering emotions for. For me though I have mastered my specialty power. As long as I have met the person I can alter their feelings." Pierre explained.

"So I was right though. You were controlling my feelings." I clarified.

"Yes." Pierre said and I could sense a bit of pain in his voice.

I can't help, but feel bad though. All he wanted was for me to like him...maybe....wait.


"He could just be controlling me again. I can't trust my own feelings anymore."

Frick I said that out loud.

"I know it seems that way but I will try to restrain myself."

"What do you mean try to restrain yourself? I thought you said you mastered it?" I questioned.

"Ah yes. I forgot to mention a little detail. When fairies are attracted to a person especially in an intimate and physical way they tend to not be able to control themselves...their powers seem to just do it on their own."

"So I literally can't trust you anymore. That's what you're telling me right now?"

"Unfortunately yes. I do apologize sincerely. I never really meant for this to happen I was controlling your emotions, but from now on I will do my best to stop myself." Pierre told me. "As much as I can." He added.

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