Chapter 56/I Miss You

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In Time- Monsta X

***Six months later***

Day two hundred and seventy-three of sitting on the patio, drinking a fruit juice, and watching the gates of the Mickaelson mansion.

"There you are."

"Where else would I be." I responded to Kol feeling him staring at the back of my head.

"Why don't we go inside and set up the stuffed animals in the twins room."

"I did that last night when you were asleep." I replied bluntly.

"Caroline you need to stop. He hasn't contacted you since he left for a reason. He didn't want you to be waiting this whole time and he would kill both of us if he knew you weren't taking care of yourself."

"Where is he?" I asked ignoring his comment.

"I-I don't know. He turned his location off once he got to Ireland."

I looked down in my cup.

"Caroline please. Come inside and rest for a little bit." Kol came in front of me and knelt down putting a hand my knee. "Claire has some decorations she needs you to approve for the wedding." Kol looked at me kindly.

I didn't answer at first. "Fine. I'll be inside soon." I told him and heard him step inside closing the door behind him.

He has been gone for nine months. They are waiting for you. I don't want them to come out without their father.

I miss you.

Niklaus please come home.

I stood up from the cushioned seat and headed inside taking one last look at the gates.

I walked into the foyer, past the study where Klaus first told me why he loved me. I turned down the hallway passing the living room...the last place I have seen Klaus since he left.

"In here Caroline!" I heard Claire call for me in one of the rooms that she has now made into her own office. I place a hand on my enormous belly and move into her room.

"So what's new?" I asked.

"Okay so I found these gorgeous lights to use for the reception-"Claire started.

I screamed in pain as my hand moved to the bottom of my belly. The pain was so excruciating my legs became weak and I fell to the floor.

"Caroline!" Claire yelled using her vampire speed to come to my side, catching my head before it hit the hard wood floor. "Kol!" Claire called for him. I turned my head towards the door and saw Kol standing in the frame his eyes wide.

"Somethings wrong." I said quietly.

Kol quickly swooped me up in his arms and carried me out to the car.

"Claire get to the hospital now." Kol told her strictly. Once I felt the car moving my eyes got dizzy and it was becoming harder to stay awake "Caroline stay with me." Kol said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

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