Meeting The Doctor

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Music makes my mind  work so plz understand the waiting. Emma is not real she is just someone I made up. Let me exsplain she is blond with long curly hair , mostly a party person, has short skirts and a T-shirt. Sometimes wears a light blue jacket. Now she is at a party where she will soon meet the Doctor ( a.k.a David Tennant)
Doctor Who is not mine it belongs to the BBC .


After leaving Donna I went in to the TARDIS. We were crashing from a strange signal. Then
Boom the tardis crashed. I placed a hand on the console ,"What's wrong girl what happened " I  rubbed her.   
What's outside thoose doors The Doctor thought. He grabbed his drinch coat and opened the door,"Earth?"  The busy streats were just noisy. Nothing was wrong. The Doctor just walked around. He saw a party in a building. Just then his sonic went crazy. He went in the party."Name ,sir" A man in a  penguin suit said. The Doctor reached in his pock and pulled out his psychic paper." Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith.


I was talking to some clents when this man came in he took his coat off. His brown spikish hair bounds up as he got it off over his head. He just put his hands in his pockets and walked around. I finnished with my clent and walked over to introduce myself.


I saw a buitful lady come walking up to me. As she got closer her golden curls bounced." Hello, Miss, what's your name" I said.  "Emma, and you?" She had a tone that was like a stronge morning breezes. "John Smith, nice to meet you." I held my hand out. She took it. "Please tell me, What's going on here."I asked her. "Well, just a party to thank our hero." I looked at her, "Hero?" I said. "Well, my hero, great man."


I looked in John's deep brown eyes. I could tell he was hiding something. "So, John, ever heard of the, Daleks." I smiled. He was drinking wine at the time, so when he heard what I said "Dalek" he just spit the wine back in the glass. He looked at me we such confused eyes.


She was crazy!" Who hasn't heard of the Dalek, thoose crazy tin cans." I said. She just giggled and said ,"Well, John, they just left." Suddently the crowd got louder and she looked at me with a smile. "Wait right here." She said as she ran somewhere.

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