Cat World

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The cats gave Emma cat ears and a tail. They put it on her as I laughed. They gave her a mirror she looked at herself. "How I look, Doctor?" She asked. "Purrfect," I said. She giggled at my coment.


The cats said something that I deffently understanded. "Please Wiggle tail?"One said I looked at the Doctor ,who wasn't paying a bit of attention, he was talking to another cat. I followed the cats. The took me to a underground

Dressing room. They gave me jeans and boots. I went in a stall and put the jeans and boots on. The jeans fit me well. So did the boots. The tail and ears went with them.


I got finnished talking with tge gaurd cat and turned around. Emma was gone so where the cats.Suddenly Emma came out wearing jeans and boots.

She turned around and and shook her cat tail. I felt my cheeks turn red. I heard her giggle as it wiggled. She jumped up back to normal. I walked up to her ,"ready?" I asked. She turned to me she nodded. I held my hand out so she could take. As she took it she jumped of thr stage. Emma kept the tail and ears on.

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