Do You Remeber

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"Do you remeber when I dissappered, the first day of wings?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about..."

"I got teleported to your with River...."


"Amy and Rory....they um....died..."

"What, How!?"

"Weeping Angel....anyway it's coming soon and I can't be with you for that adveture..."


"Two mes causes a paradox keep up..."

"Oh right...."

"So, could you drop me off on earth...."

"Sure thing..."

"I'm coming back! Just I won't be there....well my past self will won't see me...."

"So, like a vaction..."

"Yeah, if you need me or something come get me..."

"Alright..." I turn to him and kiss him. He puts his hands on my waist and kisses me back.

"I love you, you know." I say durinig the kiss.

"I know ,lets get the Ponds..."

Back at the tardis


"Ponds, Emma is going on a vaction....." I say turn to the tardis setting it for Earth.

"Why, does it have something to do with early?" Amy asks Emma.

"Yes, Amy....It does..." She saids. I land and turn to Emma. Her smile fades and turns to Amy. "Bye, bye , Pond, keep your chin up..." She said and hugs  Amy.


She goes to Rory and hands him a 5. She whispers something in his ear wile standing on her tipy toes. She turns to me and a small smile apears as she walks to me.

"Cya, sweetie," she kisses me. "Bye River!"

"How did you know I was here...." River saids walking down the stairs.

"Always do, were sisters in a way....okay don't think that Doctor..." She said looking at me.

"Well, bye Emma..." River said.

Emma walks to the door. Emma takes of the skirt off her ball gown and kicks it to the side. She puts on a light blue feather hat. She kiss her heels off. She puts on the boots before she does she takes out a silk cloth. She puts on a mask. She looks back and smiles.

"You're the Blue musketer!" Amy shouts.

"Yes! I am..." Emma saids putting the cape on her back. She steps out the tardis doors.

The Doctor's ParadoxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin