Messages To The Doctor

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It's been five years since I seen the Doctor last. I've gotten a job, I started a little bowtie shop.

It's name is Tardis. I hoped this would attract the Doctor. The logo is a tardis looking bowtie.

I have a manican in the window in the Doctor's signature look. Tweed jacket, red button up shirt, saspenders, black pants, black loafers, red bowtie, quif wig, fez.

I was working in the back, Hanna my employe came in.

"Ma'am a man wanted to see that manican in the window...." She saids. I nod and get up, thinking it's just another woman wanting to get it for there boyfriend.

It wasn't it was him. The guy that left me. He was look at the manican. He was holding onto two hands, little Emma, and a teen who had dark hair. (Everyone saids Clara!!!)

He was wearing a diffrent outfit though. I pulled my hair over my eye.

"Can I help you Do-Mister?"

He turned around, "Yes, where did you get the idea?" He said pointing to the manican.

"I don't know....It came to me-"

"And the name of the shop?"

"Also came to me...."

"The logo?"

"I'm Lee by the way!"


"Emma Elizabeth Lee, Timelord, your the Doctor!"


"You finnaly came.."

"No wonder you were quiet for a month-"

"Two years."


"I've been here for two years."

"It doesn't matter, you can come back with us...Clara meet-"

"Doctor I can't go back..."


"Momma! Momma!" Filled the store. I turned and smiled. I picked Juliet up. She laughed.

"I....." I heard and turned around. The Doctor wiped a tear away. I put Juliet on my side and held her with one hand.

"Doctor meet Juliet....Juliet meet Your father..."

The Doctor purked up. So yeah I was pregnate when he left me. And it might of been 5 years not 2.

"She's 4 not one she'd be one..."

"Okay 5 years!"

"Mommy there is a big robot outside!" Juliet said pointing to the window. I saw a Dalek. Anger fill my blood. I put Juliet down and went outside.


I went to follow Emma she can't fight a dalek on her own. Juliet my daughter, stood olin front of me.

"Mommy don't need help, mommy can do anything..." She said. I smiled weakly and looked over to see my love yell at the dalek.

All it did was back away, as if scared of Emma. Emma kept yelling at it. Then she stoped and so did it. Emma folded her arms.

It flew away ,she came back inside.

"We need to stop them Em-" I began to say.

"I'm respected here, something enconters Emma you better run..." She said smiling.

"Oh sweetie check this out!" She saids grabbing my hand. We reach a siencey room. It had all kinds of formulas.

Emma pick up one, I watched as she poured it carefuly. She takes a sirange and gets out some she puts a circul of dots of the liquid on the table. It makes a copper like pool on the table. Emma puts on gloves and reaches into the pool.

"Ah ha!" She pulls out and she turns over her hand and there is a ball of blue gass. It glowes.

"Here everyone trys..." She saids pulling out some gloves for our group.

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