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"Doctor! Paris, France, Don't follow me!" I say running into the console room. I jump down the stairs and my shoes make me slide to the chair. I sit down and look at the Doctor ,who is running all the way around the console pushing buttons, bulling leavers, and flipping switches.

"Here we are!" The Doctor saids. I get up and lay a hand on his chest and give him a kiss on the cheek. I walk past him and open the door and look back at him. I smile at him and then leave closing the door. I run all the way to the Eiffel tower and look up. I see the old blue box standing up there. I run to the stairs and run all the way up. I made it up there and I saw the trench coat waiting there.

"Doctor...." I say walk slowly towards him. He turns around along with Rose. He walks over with his eye brow the way it normaly is. We stop.

"You called me here, you're Paradoxs?" He saids and looked me up and down.

"Yes, and I'm sorry, I'm giving you a warning....You are going to meet a blond hair girl, she will be you' compainion....."

"You mean, Rose won't be with me forever?"

"Yeah....I'm sorry..."

"It's okay..."

"Anyway, here, this is a piece of here..." I say giving him a glowing feather. He takes it and and looks at it, then at me. "Bye Doctor....." I say when I turn pain fills my body. I look down and see that my stomich has a whole in it. I fall back.

"Paradox you okay?!" I hear the Doctor say then he runs over.

"I'll be okay..." I say standing up and running away. I hear foot steps behind me. My hands start to glow. I turn down the stairs. I see the Doctor running after me when I turn. I run faster.

"Paradox! Wait you've been shot!" I hear behind me. I run and turn the corner of the last stair case. I run in a room and close the door. I sonic it close.

"That was close!" I say. Then I feel the pain fill my body. I feel my hair get longer and my legs longer. Regeneration stops and I land forward on my knees. I see ginger hair fall in front of me. I look at it. "I'm. Ginger. OH MY GOD!!!!!" I yell. I stand up. There is a mirror in the room. I look at it. I have ginger wave hair, and green eyes. "Ooh the Doctor is going to be mad...." I look to the floor I see a black hoodie and grab it. I put it on him and pull the hood over my head.

I unlock the door and give a little peak around. A blond face appers. I jump back and hit the floor. "Doctor, she's over here!" I hear. The door opens up and the light blinds me.

"No, that's not her....." The Doctor saids. My stomich growles I blush. "You must be hungrey miss....."

"Yeah, I'll go get some food now!" I say and run out. I see the tardis and run to it. I run in and slowly walk around the Doctor. I trip backwards.


"Mmhm..."I say. The Doctor bends down and pulls back my hood.

"You're! Ginger!" He gasps.

"I regenerated....."

"What!? How, baby?" He said wrapping his arms around me.

"I was shot...."

Who do you think shot Emma. Will the 10th Doctor find her? Will her bowtie wearing Doctor be mad..... Find out next time! I fucked up!


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