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Emma fell off her horse. In pain. I jumped of Arthur and ran to her.

"Emma!!!" Her eyes were bloodshot. Her eyes closed. "No!!!! Emma!!!! Regenerate!!!!!" I cryed.

Amy and Rory troted over jump off there horses. Rory tryed help her. Amy tryed calming me down.

"Emma, please!!!" I screamed. Rory looked at me with sad eyes. "No!!!! No!!!"

"Doctor, shes dead, I'm sorry!" Riry said.

"No!!!! Emma, please tell me this is a joke.

Moments later after screaming and crying.

The flames flew into the air. Tears ran down my eyes. I held the box that hekd the ring.

"I was going to marry her.."


Then I saw something amazing. A arm figure in the flame. Emna sat up her wings out. She flew up into the air. She was regenerating and doing the angel thing she did on christmas.

She fell in front of the flames.

"Emma!!!" I ran to her. She still had brown curly hair just longer. Her skin was tanner. Her eyes green.

"You Died!!!" She laughed as I said it.

"Doctor. I'm your paradox. I live along with your thoughts." She said.

The Doctor's ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now