Fredrick Collins And Love

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A tear fell from my eye. Fredrick Collins was only 6 years old when he died. The Doctor around the corner wearing a fez.

"Found a fez." He said.

I didn't care. Fredrick was alone. He died alone. He was alone in the dark. The thought made cry more.

"Hey, Emma what's wrong...." The Doctor said sitting nexts to me and put a arm around me.

"I met the ghost, his name is Fredrick Collins, he was 6 when shot." I choked.

"Oh, I...."

"It reminded me of the time my....never mind..."I didn't want him to know.

"What is it tell me...."

"Leave it."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me..."when he said that I layed,my head, on his sholder. I looked up into his dark green eyes. He smiled at me. I looked at the frightened man and stood up to walk to him.

"He's gone now you can live in peace." I said. He thanked me and left us to wait for Amy and Rory.

They came down laughing and holding hands. "Oi where have you two, been?"

"Sorry this place has a hug upstairs."

"Fine, lets go we are done here."

I said walking out. I walked in to the Tardis as she hummed in happyness. I looked at her and smiled.

Amy and Rory kept laughting as the went to their room. I sat on the chair. The Doctor walked up to me.

"You alright, Emma." He asked kissing my forehead. I , I looked in his eyes. I put my arms around his neck. He put his hand on my hips. I put my lips agenst his.

We french kissed with passion. I broke our kiss. I opened my eyes he smiled at me. He leaned in and placed kiss on my lips. My leg wraped around his. I couldn't help myself.

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