River Song

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It was late but I didn't care. I was eating fish fingers and custard. A woman with blond frizzy hair came in. I stood up quickly hiding the bowl behind me using one hand. I wiped my lips with the back of my other hand.

"Hi who you?" I asked.

"River Song I'm the Doctor's wife."

My heart broke. I dropped the bowl it broke.


"Oh, sorry, are you a early love of the Doctor..."

"You could say- wait River Song?"


I ran up to her and hugged her. I was with her growing up. We were best friends.


"It's me Emna Lee"


We squeeled like teenagers getting a text from a boy. I understand what she had to do and what she is. She understanded who I am and what I'm grown up to do. We were cool.

"I've had my first..."

"Are you leaving tonight?"

"Yeah, mabye, I don't know."

"Soon okay?"

"Want me to get the Doctor?"


I walked to the Doctor's room. He was shirtless and had shorts on. I walked over and used my hand to shake his shoulder, light enough to wake him. He didn't budge I leaned over placed a kiss on his lips and looked at him. His eyes flittered open.


"Your wife's here...."

"Arn't you my wife?"

"No ring." I said holding up my bare hand.

His eyes widened and he jumped and pulled on his shirt and pants. He quickle ran out of the room

I took off all my clothes and hoped in his bed. I wraped the blanket around my body. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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