Dalek Or Time Angel

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Lots of Daleks came out of the ship above. I lowered from the sky and gently landed on the ground.

"Emma! You alright?!" The Doctor said. I pointed to the Daleks above us.

"DOCTOR!? EXSTERMANATE!" The Daleks said.

"Nope!" I flew up dodging the lazers. I stopped and looked at the Dalek in front of me.

I held my hands out and a white ball came out. I blasted the Dalek making it fall back. Four Daleks hovered to me. I spin kicked one in the air. I back flipped in the air and punched the two left. A Dalek shot at the Doctor, Amy, and Rory.

I flew and covered them with my wings. Still facing the Dalek I use another white ball and hit the Dalek. I flew back up.

"RETREAT!!!!" All the Dalek screamed hovering back to the ship. The ship started moving.

"NO YOU DON'T!!!!" I yelled blasting the ship with a white shard and exploding it.


Emma began to slowly fall she landed on her knees hanging her head. Rory and Amy ran to her. I looked at the red fire in the air.

"Doctor!!!" Amy called she had tears in her eyes.

I ran over to where they were. "She's been hit!" Rory said. Her dress had blood on it where she was hit.

"Emma?" I said as Rory put her in my arms.

"Mmm?" She mubled.

"Emma......you did a wonderful job!" Amy said. Emma smiled then it quickle faded.

"Doctor let me go...." She said looking at me.

She stood up and flew up im the air as her legs turned white. The glow grew all tge way to her head.

Then it poped and she fell. I ran to grab her.

Amy put the necklace around Emma's neck. It grew it's wings back and Emma's dissappered. I took her to the Tardis.

I laid her down on the stairs and wrapped her in my black coat. I started the Tardis.

"Doctor...you still with me."I heard someone muble. I turned around and Emma was awake. I sat by her.

"Yeah, I'm here."I said. She hugged me. I hugged her back.

"We'll leave you two, alone." Amy laughed. She and Rory went up stairs.

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