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The Doctor went to bed early.  I looked in the mirror. I had shorts, a black shirt, and heels on. I looked horrible.  So I went to my workshop I had a dress I'd been wanting to wear. It was ball gown. I put it on. It was a blue dress with light baby blue trims. It puffed my breast out but that's what the style does. I curls my hair. I went into my jewelry box. I pulled out a tiara with three sapphires on it. I put it on. I took out a matching necklace and earing. I put them on. I slipped on some dark blue heels.

I went back to the console room to fly the tardis. I landed and walked out the door. I grabbed pshyic paper on my way. I went on to a castle. I walked up there was a party going on inside. I walked in as Princess Emma Elizabeth Lee.

I danced with a few gentlemen. One kissed me. I had fun. Then someone knocked me out.

Moments Later

I woke  up with a cloth in my mouth and a man raping 3 more women. He did get me yet. I struggled. He got up and looked at me with blue eyes. His hair was black. He went up to me and lifted my chin. I guess this is my turn to be raped. I should of stayed in the Tardis. Tear ran down my cheeks as he ripped off the new dress.

He hurt me when I tryed to get away. I had bruised skin along with cuts. I limped to the Tardis. I was stilo crying. I was in nothing but my bra and underwear. I went inside the Tardis. I fell to the floor crying.

I must of woke Amy cause  she came in and ran over to me. She ran to get me a blanket and wrapped it around me.

"What happened to you!?"

"I went to a party and got raped." I choked I was still on the floor.

The Doctor soon  walked in and looked around. His eyes fell on me and he ran to me.

"Emma what happened!?"

"She was raped!" Amy said. The Doctor looked in my eye. He picked me up and took me to tthe bath room. He took my bra and underwear off and turned on the water.

"I'm sorry. Doctor." He kissed me and helped clean my cuts.

"WHO.DID.IT." he asked. I went into flashback.

"James Gloria." I said he got up and helped me up. I dryed off. I limped to the bed. The Doctor layed beside me.

I layed my head on his chest and went to sleep as the Doctor rubbed my shoulder.

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