Having A Little Fun

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"Woooo!" I jump to the next ledge. Oh right after I left the tardis I went for building jumping.

I run to the other ledge and jump. "I love New York!" I land. I stop.and rest for a minute. I sit down.

"Over there!" I hear a man say. I look over to my left to see two guys running towards me.

"Nope!" I say and jump up and start running. I jump to nexts ledge. I see a heilcopter and a ladder dropped in front of me. I climb up and go all the way up.

"Go! Go! Go!" A dark woman say. She looks at me. "Martha Jones....you're timelord! Are you good or bad?"


"Alright, Name?"

"Emma Lee."

"Alright. Emma lets get you to Unite!"

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