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Right hello this is when Rory comes into picture. Emma moved to Gallifrey.


I woke up and looked around the room. I got out of bed and went to the closet. I took off my t-shirt and shorts. I picked out a yellow dress with white lace. I put the dress on the bed and ran to get a shower.

I got out the shower and dryed off. I put on the dress. I put foundation on and yellow glitter eye shadow. I put light, light pink lip stick. I put a yellow head band in my hair.

"No, I don't think where in the right place" A male voice said.

I dropped my lip stick tube and ran down stairs.

"Doctor!" I said when I saw the man in the tweed jacket turn to leave. He turned in around on the heal.


"Doctor! You came!" I said running up to hug him. He hugged me back.

"Emma Lee! Oh my god! Can we stay?" He asked.

"Of course, you can."

"Amy! Rory! Come outside!"

The tardis door flung out and Amy came out and a man with redish brown hair, he had a bit of a noses.

"I'll get tea!" I said running to the ketchen.


The tardis must of known I wanted to see Emma again. I turned to the tardis and mouthed 'thank you'. Emma came out with four mugs and saucers. One in her left hand, one in right, one on top of her head and other balanced on her nose.

Amy laughed wile Emma gave her the cup from her left. Emma gave Rory the cup from her right hand. She hand me the one from her head. The one on her nose fell and Emma immediately caught the cup with out a drop spilling and took a sip.

Amy, Rory and I started clapping. "Thank you!" She said taking a bow.

"How long have I been gone?"

"I don't know, a year?"

"A year!?"

"Yeah, a year! Why?"

"You haven't seen me in a year! Oh my god!" I paist around the room."Amy, Rory, I need to speek to Emma alone."

Amy nodded and grabbed Rory's hand and went to into the tardis.

I sat beside Emma and looked into her eyes. They glissened and shimmered. I put my hand on her cheek. I put my lips on her's at first she didn't kiss back ,but then she did. I pulled her closer. She put here fingers in my hair. I felt a wind come from samething. I opened my eyes Emma's hair was flowing. I broke our kiss. Emma's eyes fluttered open.

Emma's eyes were glowing. I saw a feather cime from behind her. The tiny feather turned into wings. Emma's skin was practically glowing. She dissiappered.

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