Old Memory

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"Doctor can we go to, London, Greenlend lan, March 12th 1982..."

"Sure, sweetheart..."

I ran around flipping leavers, and switches. We landed and Emma ran outside. We were right infront of a Orphanage. 'Dream bug Orphanage' it read. Suprisingly Emma ran up the stairs and into the doors. I followed she was already talking to a dark lady. I walk behind Emma the lady smiled. We began to walk ib a room.

"Sit it will just be a moment..." The Dark lady said. She left us alone. Emma wait patiently.

Xx4 year old EmmaxX

I had my head on Miss Kenlies should with my thomb in my mouth. The rest of the girl followed behind her. Miss Kenlies told us one of us will be adopted today.

Miss Kenlies sat me down and streighten my pink dress. I don't like pink it a bad color. She fixed my pic tails and kissed me on the fore head.

Lindy the oldest went in.

Jamie went in.

Penny went in.

It was my turn Miss Kenlies took my free hand and took me in a room.

A man with a bow around his neck and theese weird red thing on his shirt. His hair flopped in his face. I looked at the woman she also had brown hair. A blue dress and moons on her eard and neck. They both smiled at me.

I like the man he looks silly.

"This is Emma..." The man looked weirdly at the lady. "She's four..."

"We'll take this little one..." The lady said scooping me up. I giggled the lady wiggle our noses together.

The man laughed and stood up. The lady pulled out some green paper and gave it to Miss Kenlies.

The man took me in his arms and tickled under my chin. I laughed so did the man. The lady and tge man told me that they were my mum and dad.

We go out of the building I saw a blue box the man took me inside. The sight amazed me.

"Daddy why is this place bigger on the inside?"

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"Why do you wear a hair bow on your neck?"

"It's a bow tie, Emma..."

"Oh......Mommy why do you have moons on you?"

"It's jewlry sweetie."

"I love your hair daddy!"

He smiles wider and I notice he gas took me to a bedroom. Soft ness touched my feet. He puts me in a small crib bed. Mommy tucks me in and gives me a blue blanket with moons and stars on it.


She fell asleep, I smile and kiss her on the forehead. I left the room and went to the kitchen.

I saw the Doctor eating fish sticks and custerd. I walk over and steal one.


I stuff the fish stick in my mouth and chew.

"Why did you adopt your self?"

"Without it I wouldn't be here, have you ever tought of how I jnew the tardis was bigger on the inside?"

"Good point!"

I hummed a tune I never thought I'd hear again. The tune of storms. Timelords used this to make the univers sleep. I turn around to a sleeping Doctor.

I began to sing a lullabye.

" There is a tardis in the sky....
I go to it when I'm asleep....
It's bigger on the inside....
In the tardis in the sky....

There is a monster on my bed....
He wakes me up and I'm afraid....
Now the Doctor had heard my sigh...
There in the tardis in the sky.....

There is a Doctor on my bed he holds me and sings a lullabye....
There in the tardis in the sky..."

I peek over my shoulder and the Doctor is still asleep. I kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you..." I whisper. I rince out the custard bowl.

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