Cat Emma

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I went back to the Cat Planet, as I walked out a Cat person met me outside. "Her faimly is ready for her arrival," It purred. "I'm sorry, I don't have a new kitten for you to play with!" I said before I heard "Meow " a female cat said behind me. A yellow cat person with yellow pointy eats and yellow tail.  She had black stripes on her curls. She walk towards the other cat waiting outside. She winked at me and gave me a piece of paper.


I went with the cat. "What's your name?" I asked the cat. "Rair! I am Jack." He grabbed a torch and we started going in a dark forest. "Where we going, Jack?"I queststioned. "To the wedding, ma'am" I looked around at the path we came threw. "Who's wedding?" I asked. "Your wedding, sweetheart." I quickly looked at Jack who was now watching me. "Your ears I've never seen anything like it." He said. I looked up at my ears, the were moving. "Well, um, unique I guess," I said looking back at Jack who had a smile on his face. He walked up to me and place a kiss ok my lips, he turned around and just walked on. "Oh, go ahead more the mary, yell for him." He yelled. "For who, the Doctor?" I asked. "Yeah, blue box man." Jack answered. "Doctor!!!!!!" I screamed.


"Doctor!!!!!!" I heard a woman scream. "Emma !?" I was so angry. I ran as fast as I could. "Emma, where are you." I looked down still holding the piece of paper Emma gave me earlier. I stopped running. I opened the paper. I read:
Dear Doctor,
     I'll be fine. I understand them you can only hear the cats, when in the tardis. He wanted me to get a new cat faimly. They used the ears they were trying to form me into them. The needed a woman.
Don't worry I used a cat potion from the Tardis.

             Love Emma Lee

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