Morning Emma Lee

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I woke up and made breakfast, toast with butter.  I ran outside and put my coat on. I looked up to see golden curls flowing with the wind. She was looking down so I waved at her and she waved back. She ran inside quickly fo rf something. I went inside so I could talk to her.


I ran to get cloths on. I thought to myself he still here, he still here. So I got my flowing skirt on and a T-shirt and head out. Before I got to the door I heard a rythmed Knock. I opened the door to see the Doctor with a grin on. "Time and space how about it?" He asked

"You want me to travel with you..." I asked him. "Sure, why not" He said as the grin widened.


She hesitated for a wile ,"okay, Doctor." I was happy to hear thoose word "Don't forget the sonic," I said pointing to her yellow sonic. She walked over and picked it up. She put it on her girtel like she did last night. We walked down to the tardis and left london.

The Doctor's ParadoxNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ