The Magic In Every Story

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I ran in the tardis trowing my guns away. I ran to the console and pushed buttons and pulled leavers. I pull the last leaver making the tardis fly. I landed her.

I grabbed the screen. I saw the inside of a dalek ship. I put the tardis on invisable mode. I watched as the Doctor, Amy, and Rory jump from the whole in the floor. A dalek rolled over to attack them but was blocked by the tardis.

"WHY CAN I GET OVER TO YOU!?!" It screached but I laughed. I was ready to flick on visable to make a magical apperence.  The Doctor walked over to us as he was about to place his hand on the invisable tardis, I typed in a request for the tardis. A tardis looking dress flew down. I put it on. A pair of tardis blue shoes appered at the steps. The dress was shorter in the front and longer in the back. The strap sleeve drapped on my sholder( a little like Jasmine's sleeve from Aladdin).

I took the two curls and rest the on my sholder. I took off my necklace and my white wings grew out. They draped in the air. I looked back at the screen. The doctor has moved and now his back faces me and the tardis. I quickle put on light pink lip stick wile watching the screen. I aplyed mascara and blue eye shadow with silver sparkles. I put on blue sparkle earings. I skip to the door.

I look back on the console. "Thank you...." I whisper to the tardis she hummed back a sweet melody. I open the doors and step out. I'm not seen. It's because the tardis is put a invisable feild around me.

I fly into the air. Once I say something they will see me. I look down upon the Doctor, Amy, Rory , and the Daleks.

"What you lot up to!" I shout. Blue dalek eyes look up followed by the three heads.

"Emma!? EXSTERMANATE!?!" The yelled. I slowly fly down and when I land my heels click the ground. I look up at the Dalek leader.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you...." I sang fireing up a energy ball.

"Emma!? What are you doing!? Where did you come from?!" The Doctor asked.

"I.....Appered here...."

"Well, don't do anything stupied we can't fly away from this one...." The Doctor said.

"Hunny, look, I don't know how to put this but I have wings...."

"We don't..."

"You have her." I said snaping my fingers and pointing with my tumb to behind me. The Tardis soon appered after I pointed to her. I looked the shocked treo.

"How did you......."

"I think the tardis likes me..."


"Yep!" I said popping the'p'. "Now! Back to you lot!"


"This is a tast of what I can do..." I said. I pointed my pointer finger at a group of daleks. They disappear with in seconds.


"Oh gone, never built, not even alive, If I had to say....." I stick out my tonge and put it back in my mouth. "They are the air..."


I walk up to the lead dalek and get face to face with it. I smirk as it waved it's gun. "Hunny, I'm a paradox......but to you......I'm a nightmare." I say with a evil smile.

The dalek rolls back a little. "LEAVE....."



"Alright then!" I say walking back down to the treo. The look at me. I walk pass them and into the Tardis wile they follow.

That was awsome! I walk over to the seat where I put my necklace. I try hooking it back nut fail. "Hey, Doctor a little help..."

"Sure thing." He takes the necklace ends and hook them together. "There."

My wings disappear. I turn around to face the Doctor. He is flying the tardis. I take off my heels and fixs my hair. I run to the wordrobe with heels in my hand. I take of the dress. I see a short red dress and take it. I put black heel boots with it. I put my hair in a braid and take the braid and make a horse shoe shape with it. I take of my make up. I put of red lipstick and really black mascara. I put on light red eye shadow. I look at myself in the mirror. I look at my necklace. Never take it of in less you have to.

I walk out and into the hallway. I go into the back. I find npthing but more coradors.

To be continued.....

The Doctor's ParadoxNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ