The Concert (1)

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*Fallon's POV*

My friend is dragging me along to this concert. I don't even know who's concert it is because she's rambling too much to tell me. I just got off of work and as soon as I got into the car she called me and asked me to go with her because she had an extra ticket after her sister left for collage early, so I did. I drive to her house and leave my car there as we get into her car to go to the concert.

"So Fal are you excited?" May asks with a huge grin on her face. "M I don't even know who's concert this is!!" I say exaggerated as I chuckle to her. "Only Billie Eilish the one I've been gushing to you about this entire ride to!!" She says chuckling as she playfully punches me in the arm. "Ow! Okay geez sorry I guess I spaced out!" I say chuckling as we arrive to the venue. We get our tickets and we get to the mosh pit. May told me these fans like to go crazy so here I am in the mosh pit. I made sure she was closer to the front so she doesn't get trampled. 

"You should see me in a crown" starts and like May said these fans are going wild and I'm having a great time. People are jumping like crazy and running in circles as Billie jumps and sings on the stage. Ocean eyes starts so she jumps off the stage to interact with the crowd. Security is trying to help her stand on the barricade but she falls into the crowd because they are pulling on her so hard!! 

I saw her fall into the pit, I knew that she was to small to be in the center so I kept a close eye on her. Before I knew it she was on the floor in front of me about to be pulled apart.  I start pushing people away from her as I picked her up and held her to my chest tightly. "Are you okay?" I ask as I'm making my way through the crowd. "Yes thank you for saving me." She says over the screaming. We make it to the front of the crowd and she is helped over the barricade and back onto the stage by security as people from her team surround her on the stage asking if she's okay. They get all situated and she turns back around to address the crowd.

"Alright guys I'm okay everything is okay but you guys can't pull me into the crowd like that. Not only is it dangerous for you but it's dangerous for me, and if this keeps happening they won't let me hop up on the barricades to touch you guys anymore okay? So please be careful and keep each other safe." She says as she hugs herself as if she's hugging the crowd. "I love you." She says walking off of the stage.

I was leaving the venue when all of a sudden someone taps my shoulder. "Ma'am Billie would like to see you. If you could follow me to her green room please." A man in a security uniform says to me. "Sure can I just call my friend really quick and tell her I'm safe so she's not worried?" I ask him. "Of course just don't take long." He says as he starts talking to someone on his walkie talkie.

I call May. "Oh my god Fallon James you just saved Billie Eilish. THE. BILLIE. EILISH." She fangirls over the phone to me. "I know I know and right now she wants me to meet with her in her green room so, I'll be taking an Uber to my house after this okay?" I ask. "Yeah but you better fill me in when you get home." She says excitedly. "I will I will I love you Byeee. I say as I hang up the phone.

As I hang up the phone security walks me into her green room. 

*Billie's POV*

I'm in Vancouver Canada about to do a show I don't know what it is but I just feel like something special is going to happen here the Canadians always have the best energy. This is my second to last show before I'm in the states again. I'm excited to put on a good show for my little babies out on that stage. This venue has a HUGE mosh pit which I'm excited for I like for them to go crazy in there like I would if I was at a concert.

We're almost done with the show, with Ocean Eyes being the last song on this set list. In the chorus I get off the stage and hop up onto the barricades as I normally do to interact with my babies when all of a sudden I get PULLED INTO THE MOSH PIT. It all happened so fast there was so much screaming and everything was being touched I was being pulled in multiple different directions when all of a sudden I'm being pulled to someone's chest and held tightly as we made our way through the crowd.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she pushed people away from me. "Yes thank  you for saving me." I say as I'm helped up onto the stage everyone from my crew and my family comes out onto the stage asking if I'm okay and getting me everything I need. I love these fools but I could have really gotten hurt so I explain to them how they can't do that and such then walk off the stage. I can't get that girl out of my head she was so protective of me and kept me safe as much as possible in that mosh pit. I really need to get better security.

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