Food (30)

411 11 4

(This chapter may be triggering for some read with caution.)

*Billie's POV*

I've just landed Fallon said she got a car for me. She can't come get me because the producers that are there wouldn't let her. 

They really need to lighten up.. she's 19 for god's sake let her live. I was driven to the hotel and given a key card and room number. I knocked on the door and heard, "It's open." from what sounded like the kitchen of the hotel room. 

I walked in and saw Tony her drummer standing there in the kitchen. "Hey Billie she's in the first room to your left." He said. "Thanks Tony but um what are you doing in her room?" I asked confused. 

"Oh just making some food DJ is here too they're in there watching a movie or something." He said putting something in the microwave.

"Okay thanks." I say knowing that DJ is straight and taken so I have nothing to worry about. I walk into the room to see Fallon with tears on her face sitting next to DJ who was also crying.

 "Baby why are you crying?" I asked as she looked up to see me. "Oh." She said laughing a bit as she sniffled and wiped her tears. "We just watched a super sad episode of Grey's Anatomy." She said getting up and jumping into my arms.

"So you're okay?" I asked holding her. "Mhm it was just a really sad episode." She said standing up. Something doesn't feel right..

*Fallon's POV*

"I've missed you.." I said hugging her again. "I've missed you more." She said with a smile squeezing me. "I doubt it." I said kissing her cheek and skipping into the living room to turn music on my speaker.

 I put my playlist on shuffle and Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin started playing. I hummed the lyrics and walked to the kitchen to make a salad. My manager Mackenzie retired so I got a new one. 

His name is Don he says I need to loose weight so this is what I'm doing. It's working too. Whatever he put in this food is making me loose like 3 or 4 pounds a week.

"You making another salad Fal?" Tony asked. "Yeah they aren't that bad Tony." I said chuckling a bit. "They may not be bad but that doesn't mean they're healthy." He said raising his eyebrows.

 "I'm fine." I assured him. "Whatever you say." He said sitting at the table. "Does Billie know?" He pried. "No but I mean it's not like I'm trying to hide it from her. Tony it's literally a change in diet nothing more." I persisted. "Where do you get the ingredients for those stupid salads Fal? Because when we go to the store to get food you never come" He said with reason in his voice.

"Don buys food for me." I said truthfully. "Don't you think that's a little weird?" He asked. "I don't know Tony you're thinking too much about this." I said finishing my salad and putting the dishes away.

 "Or maybe your just being too naïve to see what he's doing to you." He seethed through his teeth. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked aggravated. "That you're skin and bones! Haven't you noticed you only eat when he says you can?!" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"Haven't you noticed how much weight you're loosing?!" He asked yelling at me as tears streamed down his face. "Stop yelling and leave me alone Tony you don't know what you're talking about." I spat at him.

 "I didn't mean to yell Fallon I'm just really worried about what this man is doing to you. I'm one of your best friends please listen to me." He pleaded. "I'm fine.." I said walking back to my room to see Billie and DJ talking about something.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much we were thinking about going to do something later like going to the park or something." DJ said. "Oh yeah sounds fun you guys go without me I'm going to go to the gym." I said with a smile walking to the closet to get my gym clothes out.

"Since when do you go to the gym?" Billie asked. "Since Don told her she had to." DJ said. "Who's Don?" Billie asked. "Her new manager. Mackenzie retired and ever since then she's been trying to loose weight." DJ said. "How long ago was this?" Billie asked. "I don't know maybe about 3 or 4 weeks ago." DJ said putting on a hoodie.

"Is that what you two were talking about in there Fallon? Your weight?" Billie asked referring to when I was talking to Tony in the kitchen. "Yeah. I'm on a new diet but it's fine it's not as bad as they make it sound." I say. "Okay but don't go to the gym I want to spend time with you." Billie said tackling onto my bed.

"Okay well either way I can't go to the park because they know I'm on tour I'll get ambushed by paps." I said honestly. "Stay in bed and cuddle with me then!" She said with a smile. "Of course love." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

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