She's back..(21)

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*Billie's POV*

Now that Fallon is back to work so am I. I'm headed to a meeting about tour that starts in a few weeks. The conversation about Fallon being my opener hasn't come up in a while which is concerning because that's one of the things that I need to happen on this tour. I asked my manager Danny about it and he never responded. I think their hiding something from me about this tour and I need to figure it out. 

I was at a red light when I got a call from Jake. "Hey is Fallon with you?" He asked as soon as I answered. "No I'm on my way to a meeting she should be at rehearsal for her show tonight Beverly Hills in  why?" I asked concerned.

 "Because Mackenzie called and said she never showed up.. where was she before you left the house Billie?" He asked with panic in his voice. "We had breakfast then she left to go to the rehearsal then she has an interview. I'm going to postpone this meeting and see if we can find her." I say making a U turn.

"Okay check your house first, then her apartment and see if she's there then meet me at Cole's house." He says as we say our good byes and hang up the phone. Something told me to go to her apartment first so that's what I did. 

I parked and saw her car in the drive way. I walked up the stairs to the door of her apartment and it was unlocked. I walked in and saw her passed out on her couch with some bruises. "Oh my god baby!" I say as I rush over to her and start to wake her up. "Baby what happened?" I asked as her eyes widened when she looked behind me.

As soon as I turned around everything went black.. I knew exactly who it was... She's back..

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