Ice Bucket (26)

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*Billie's POV*

It's after the show and I'm now sitting in my green room on my couch. "Fallon will you do it with me?" I asked referring to the stretches I needed to do. "If Maggie says I can then yes my love I will do your weird foot stuff with you." She says giggling and sitting on the couch. "Fallon it's not weird foot stuff, it's physical therapy." My mom says walking into the room.

 "Believe me I know what that is all too well." She says chuckling dryly. "What do you mean darling?" I asked confused as her face turned white as if that was something she wasn't supposed to. "I've gotten myself into quite a few fights with some family members.." She says clearing her throat. "Oh.. what happened?" I questioned. "Billie I don't think-" my mom started to say before Fal cut her off.

"It's okay Maggie it was honestly just a little disagreement." She says with a shrug of her shoulders. "So what happened?" I asked trying not to pry. "Well it started when I had come out, my uncle Spencer had come to the house for a weekend to spend time with my dad. They were all together in the same house so I thought it would be the perfect time to come out." She explains as my mom starts putting bags of ice in a big bucket.

"I told them I was gay and then they sat there in silence for a minute before my uncle had pushed me up against the wall telling me I had ruined everything. That I was a disgrace to the family. I broke a vase over his head so he would get off of me and that only made him angrier. He then proceeded to grab a shard of glass off the floor and slash me across the top of my back." She explained. 

"My mom was trying to pry him off of me and my dad just stood there laughing.. after that my mom kicked them out and now I have these scars." She said with a sigh taking off her tank top to show me. "The physical therapy part came into play when my dad came to visit Jake and pushed a shelf over on my hand. It shattered and I had to learn to use it again." She said.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that bubs you don't deserve that." I say tracing my fingers over her scar lightly. "It's okay it's in the past now." She says turning around and hugging me before putting her tank top back on. "Alright Billie the doctor said you need to ice your ankles for 15 minutes every two hours." My mom says putting the bucket in front of me.

 "I'll only do it if you do it with me Fal!" I yelped holding my feet to my chest to keep them away from the bucket. "alright alright I'll do it with you." She said kissing my cheek. There was a bucket placed in front of her. She was wearing a pair of my shorts so she didn't have to pull up the legs of her pants. 

She stuck her legs in and sat there on her phone. "Are you made of steel woman?! How are you not dying right now?!" I asked completely and utterly confused. "Billie it's really not that bad I'm used to it." She said with a chuckle as I put my feet in the bucket that was in front of me. "Oh my god this is freezing!!" I complain. "No way I didn't know iced water could freeze!" She says sarcastically. "No one asked for your sarcasm Mrs. Bodyguard." I said with a cheesy smile on my face.

We finished my physical therapy together and now Fallon is giving me a piggy back ride to the tour bus. We have 3 more shows until we come back. Fallon gets a two week break and then goes on her own tour. I honestly couldn't be more proud of her I know her family would be too. "You okay up there superstar?" She asked. "Yeah sorry I zoned out." I said with a chuckle as she sat me down in the bus.

We laid down and watched the office together until we fell asleep.

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