Mrs. Eilish will you.. (32)

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*Fallon's POV*

I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm back to eating regular food. Billie said she wants to come to the show tonight. I have a better idea then her just showing up though... 

"Hey babe?" I asked walking over to her and laying on the couch next to her putting my head in her lap. "Yes my love?" She asked as she played with my hair. "So I know you're excited to come to the show but what if we surprised the fans and have you perform with me?" I asked.

 "I would love to I think the fans would go crazy." She said with a smile. "Wait really?" I asked surprised at her response. "Yeah really I think it's a good idea." She said leaning over to me and eventually laying on top of me. "Cool I'm excited!" I squealed. "So am- wait did you just squeal? That's adorable." She said with a chuckle as I blush.

Little does she know I have a bit more planned than just her performing with me..

*Time skip to the show*

Everything is going great so far. Billie comes out on stage right after this song. "Alright loves I have a huge surprise for you." I say as the crowd screams. "So I've been in a relationship as some of you know." I said as they scream louder. 

"This woman has done so much for me. I wouldn't be where I am today without her. So that being said come on out baby." I say as Billie comes running out onto the stage. The background track for I can't breathe begins to play because it's Billie's favorite. The crowd screams at the top of their lungs.

*Billie's POV*

I ran out on stage and kissed Fallon listening to the crowd go crazy. "Okay so I know what you all are waiting for, but before that I need you guys to do something for me." Fallon said gesturing to the crowd. "I need you to hype up the love of my life as loud as you can for like 5 seconds." She said laughing a bit as I gave her the most confused look I could. 

"Okay bil keep your eyes on the crowd until I start talking again okay?" She said turning me to face the crowd. "What is this about Fal?" I asked extremely confused. "Just keep your eyes on the crowd darling." She said and within the next two seconds everyone was crying and screaming.

"Guys what's going on?!" I asked extremely confused. "Turn around my love." She said and with that I turned around. When I turned around I saw Fallon down on one knee with a small black box in her hands. Inside of it was the prettiest ring I think I've ever seen in my life. "Oh my god.." I said with tears running down my face. 

"You've made me the happiest woman alive.. I know we haven't dated for long but I can't live with out you. I can't live knowing that I don't have your last name. That being said... Mrs. Eilish will you marry me?" She asked as I ran into her arms and she held me. "Yes of course I'll marry you softie." I said as we both cried.

"Oh my god SHE SAID YES!!" Fallon screamed and she ran around the stage. She then calmed down and stood next to me wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a hug. "So I'm sorry to say we aren't actually going to perform together I thought this would be better seeing as it's the last show of my six month world tour. Thank you so much I love you with all of my being have a good night." She says as she grabs my hand and we run off the stage.

I was not expecting this..

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