Something to tell you (15)

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*Fallon's POV* 

Billie's feeling better her and Finneas are going to record some stuff in the studio while I go and decorate Jake and I's apartment. I was almost done in the kitchen when I got a phone call from Jake. "Hey J what's up?" I asked because he usually texts. "Hey Fal can you come down to Cole's apartment I need to talk to you." He asked sounding worried. "Yeah I'm leaving now but J are you okay you sound worried or nervous.." I said getting into my car. "Mhm.. um yeah I'm fine just try and get here as soon as possible please." He said hanging up on me.

I'm really worried as I pull into Cole's drive way. Cole is one of Jake's friends we've met a couple times since my time in LA he's a local at the coffee shop I used to go to. I walk in the living room and this place is set up like an intervention. "What's going on..?" I ask them as they're sat on the couch silently staring at me. "We have something we need to talk about." Jake says as I sit down on the couch next to him. "Okay.. go on." I say getting anxious.

"So I've been spending a lot of time here at Cole's house and over that time we.." He hesitates. "J spit it out." I say getting impatient. "We developed feelings for each other and started dating and he wants me to move in with him." He says really fast. "Jake that's amazing I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to see where this goes." I said hugging him.

"Wait really?" He asked sounding surprised. "Of course I mean your super supportive of Billie and I, and you can't control who you love. I'm okay with you moving in together but the rules with Mom and I still apply. You need to keep her in the loop and take care of each other." I say. "Of course Fal you have no idea how much this means to me.. thank you." He says hugging me. "As for you Cole if you break his heart.. I'll destroy you understood?" I asked as he nodded frantically. 

*Time skip* 

It's been a few weeks and so far everything is going good at the moment. My concussion is gone. I'm putting out the ep in a few weeks and then I have my first show. Eventually May went back to Canada because she had school but on the bright side, I haven't gotten much hate and when I do it's from children that don't know how to roast someone so it doesn't hurt much. I'm on the couch of my apartment watching the office with Billie when all of a sudden I get a text from Cole.

"Hey baby what are you doing tonight?" is what the text said. I immediately told Billie then called Jake. "Fallon what is wrong with you?! Why on earth are you flirting with my boyfriend when you have a WHOLE GIRLFRIEND!!" He yelled at me as soon as he answered. "What are you talking about Cole is the one flirting with me!" I defended. "You are such a liar YOU FLIRTED WITH HIM HE SHOWED ME THE TEXTS FALLON!!" He yelled. I hung up. 

"Are you lying to me too? Did you text him first?" Billie asked. "What are you talking about you've been next to me the whole time!!" I asked really confused. "You were on your phone for the last half of this episode though! I can't believe you would lie to me like this!" Billie started yelling. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! You know what.. leave. Go home." I said as I stormed off into my room. I heard the door shut, and I started sobbing I didn't understand what just happened or why it happened. All I knew was I didn't do anything. Everyone that I have here with me is probably mad at me.. so at the moment I have no one. I decided to go live.

"Hey.. let's just chill for a m-minute because at the moment I've made everyone around me hate me and I don't know what I did.." I say to the live as the comments start to flood.

JamesCharles: What happened Fal?

IloveFallonJames: What's wrong Fal?

Viewers: 2m

"I guess I just needed a distraction because there are a lot of people that are mad at me right now and I don't really know what I did so here I am."

I was live for about 2 hours I feel a bit better but I'm so mad and upset with all of them I have no clue what's going on right now and I'm sure Billie thinks I'm cheating on her. Jake posted something on his story yelling at me for talking to his boyfriend. I get that he's mad at me but he never should have posted that because now I'm getting attacked with hate from all angles even Billie's fans.. I shut off my phone and cried myself to sleep.

The next day I went to Billie's house to talk things out with her. I saw Jake's car in the drive way so I was being careful. I slowly walked in when I heard them talking.

"Have you guys seen all the hate she's getting because of what Jake posted? You've taken it way to far. I don't care if it was a joke she doesn't deserve this." Finneas scolded them.


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