Taking care of you (19)

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*Billie's POV*

I'm driving Fallon home from the air port and she's cuddled up in the passenger seat of my car with her favorite blanket from my house wrapped around her. She says she likes it because it reminds her of me. It's raining and Death Bead by Powfu is playing quietly because at the moment that's her favorite song. She's all stuffy and she's trying her best not to move because her stomach is upset. 

It makes my heart hurt to see her like this because I know part of it is because she's over-worked herself and then she got sick which didn't make it any better. The good thing is she can't work until Monday of next week and it's Tuesday right now. We're still working on a song we can't quite figure out so I'm not that busy but the rest of next week I have interviews so right now everything should play out okay.

We were on the way to my house when she said, "Billie I love you and your family but we aren't going to your house I'm not getting you and your family sick I can take care of myself." She says as she coughs into her elbow. "If we go to your house can I take care of you?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. "No you can't get sick you have interviews all next week." She says with a scratchy voice as I sigh. "Those interviews can wait you're more important." I say as we make our way to her house.

 "No. I will not let you take care of me because then you are going to get sick." She says coughing into her elbow again. "Stop talking you're going to make your throat hurt worse. I will get the interviews moved and take care of you. If it makes you feel better I won't kiss you so I won't get sick." I say pulling into the drive way of her apartment as she nods.  As stubborn as she is she wouldn't let me carry her into her apartment so I held her stuff while she got out of the car and went up to her room. We just left her luggage in my car because she doesn't need it right now.

I walked up the stairs but didn't see her in the bed she was in her bathroom doubled over the toilet puking. I rushed over to her and held her hair up until she finished. "Do you think you've finished?" I asked putting her hair in a ponytail as she nodded. "Alright so why don't you hop in the shower then you can rest in bed and we can watch the office yeah?" I asked as she laughed a bit. "What?" I asked with a smile. "Was that you trying to imitate the accent you say I have?" She asked as she giggled again. "no! Just get in the shower!" I said laughing as I walked away.

After she got out of the shower she changed and we got in bed. "So I texted your mom because every mom does this differently. I wanted to get this right and she told me to check your temperature now so that I don't have to do it later because you'll be asleep soon so that's what I'm gonna do." I said as I watched her face light up. "You're going to be a great mom.." She says as she lays her head on my shoulder. "You see yourself having kids with me?" I asked with a gasp. "Of course." She says with a weak smile on her face.

*Fallon's POV*

*Time skip to later in the day*

"I'm not going to take that!" I say rolling to Billie's side of the bed. "Yes you are." Billie says as she rolls on top of me. "No medicine is nasty and I'm. not. taking. that." I say clenching my jaw. "Babe it's not that bad." She says trying to reason with me. "I'm not taking it." I say with a sarcastic smile. 

"Alright fine at least give me a kiss for trying." She says with a pout. "Okay only one kiss." I say. We kiss and I can tell she has the pills in her mouth as she pushes them into mine. "Eilish not cool!!" I say as we both tear away from the kiss. "Swallow them or I won't kiss or cuddle you for a month." She says with her eyebrows raised. "Fine.." I say with a grumble as I take a sip of water and swallow the pills. "Thank you now come here." She says as I get back in bed and cuddle up to her and eventually fall asleep in her arms. 

*The next day*

I woke up and ran to the bathroom to puke again Billie woke up and ran after me to help. It wasn't that big of a mess this time so I just cleaned up my mouth and had some water. "Darling it's 3am try and get some more sleep." Billie said as she wrapped her arms around my waist watching me drink my water. I sat the glass down and turned around to hug her. "I just want to feel better." I said as she laid us down it the bed. "You could try and sleep it off." She said as she ran her fingers through my hair. I nodded and fell back asleep.

maybe it wasn't such a bad Idea to let her take care of me..

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