Nightmares and Sickness (14)

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*Fallon's POV*

"Billie that doctors appointment was terrible." I say as we pull back into her drive way. "Baby it wasn't that bad." She says chuckling. "It was. I'm never going to the doctor ever again." I say getting out of the car and running in her house. "Hi Maggie how was your day?" I ask standing in the kitchen where she is. "It was okay how was your appointment Fallon?" She asked with a smile. "It was terrible I hate doctors." I said. "I'm sorry to hear that." She said. "It's alright everything is healing okay so far so that's a good thing." I said and we continued to talk.

Billie walked in the kitchen and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm sorry I made you go to the doctor my love.." She said as we swayed back and forth in the kitchen to some music Billie had playing. "It's okay darling I know you only want the best for me." I said leaning into her. "I'm tired lets go take a nap." She said as we went to her room.

We laid down together and watched the office as both of us fell asleep.

*Time skip*

It had been about an hour I got up and went to get water. I heard something coming from Billie's room so I went back in and saw her crying and shaking clutching the pillow my head was once on. "woah woah what's going on love?" I asked as I rush to the bed and hug her tight as she sobbed into my chest. "Shh shh look at me." I said taking my hand in one of hers and putting the other one of her hands and putting it on my chest so she can feel my heartbeat. "inhale.." I said as we inhaled together. "Exhale.." I said as we exhaled together. "We don't need to talk about what happened but are you feeling a bit better now?" I asked softly. "Yeah thank you.." She said as she laid her head on my chest.

"Anytime darling.." I say kissing her forehead and playing with her hair as she fell asleep. 

*The next day*

*Billie's POV*

I had the worst nightmare last night.. it was so much worse when I woke up and Fallon wasn't there. When she came in she made me feel so safe and comforted me. This morning I woke up and I felt so sick.. right now I'm in the bathroom because I feel nauseous. I didn't want to wake Fallon up but soon she's going to realize I'm not there and come find me. Sure enough minutes later Fal comes into the bathroom and sits on the floor next to me.

"Baby your face looks red are you okay?" she asked feeling my forehead. "Not really.." I said coughing. "You have a fever darling.. why don't you take a lukewarm shower while I make you some food and we can just chill today yeah?" She said with a warm smile. "That sounds amazing." I said as she got up and helped me up. I took a shower and she had some comfy sweats waiting for me they were warm.

 "I hope those were okay I put them in the drier so they should be warm." She says with a smile as I walk into the kitchen. "These are perfect thank you babies." I say with a smile. "So I told Momma Maggie that you're sick and she made the soup you've told me you like so much." She says with a smile. "The soup?" I say with the biggest smile. "Oh yeah the soup." My mom says as she puts a bowl of it in front of me. "This is the only good thing about what's happened recently." I say as I eat the soup.

"You're adorable." Fallon says as we both smile at each other. We all ate and went back to my room. We laid down in my bed and I let Fallon be the big spoon as she held me and played with my hair she sang a melody of one of her songs. Everything was okay right now I fell asleep and didn't have any nightmares. I felt safe.

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