Under my bed (7)

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*Fallon's POV*

We've been in LA for about a month now and I have these lyrics and an Idea for what I want the song to be so I'm on my way to the studio. I got a car last week because taking an Uber everywhere is expensive and pointless. Jake isn't a morning person so he's still at the apartment that we picked out weeks ago. We both have our own rooms and clean up after ourselves so there hasn't really been an issue with living together yet. We both call mom almost every day and keep her updated on everything. 

I have my first interview today but I wanted to get this song started first and I came to the studio kind of early so I wouldn't be rushing. "Hey Dawn I have this idea with those lyrics I showed you yesterday that I wanted to try." I say to my producer as I walk into the studio. "I want this song to be about finding yourself and being who you are I want to call it Fire and Gold." I say as we start recording the lyrics and making changes. "Fal this sounds amazing I can already tell it's going to be a hit." She says as we say our goodbyes and I leave the studio and head to my apartment to get ready for the interview. 

I can't get Billie out of my head I just saw her a couple days ago and she's probably busy but I feel like I need to see her again I haven't felt like this in a while.. What am I saying to myself she's obviously straight.. right? I don't know but I need this interview to take my mind off of it.. 

My stylist Jenna picked out my outfit for this interview which is definitely something I'm going to have to get used to but I like it at the same time. She doesn't try to control my style which I really appreciate. I'm on my way to this interview and I still can't get Billie out of my head..

*Time Skip*

That interview was fun I got to play Super Smash Bros while answering questions on new music and I'm a boss at that game so I think it was a good first interview. I had fun and it took my mind off of Billie for a minute but honestly I really think I need to figure out how I feel.. for now I'm on the way back to my apartment I'm gonna make dinner and just relax for a minute. When I got to my apartment the door was already unlocked but Jake said he was staying with friends so it didn't really make sense but I guess I had just left it unlocked before I left or something.. I walk in and things look pretty normal until I get to my room.. 

I went in and started taking my shoes off when I noticed something under my bed...

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