She sent you the recipe and not me?! (12)

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*Billie's POV* 

Fallon's been feeling kind of down since yesterday when we got back from the hospital, and I think it's mostly because she can't do much without it hurting her head, so I texted my mom and she got called Lauren aka Fallon's mom and May Fallon's best friend. Lauren sent my mom her apple pie recipe and told us not to tell Fallon what it is for some reason she's not allowed to know what it is. My mom made it and sent it over. We got May to fly out for a few days after we told her what happened, so she'll be here tomorrow. I'm not entirely to sure who Fallon's ex is or what their past is but I don't want to overstep.

"Heyy Fal!" I say laying down on my bed next to her as she giggles at what I said. "Heyy bil!" She says back with not as much enthusiasm. "Soo guess what.." I say with a grin on my face. "What?" She asks grinning back. "I got you something all the way from Canada that's going to make you feel 10 times better!" I say running off in the kitchen to get the pie. "Billieee come back.." She complains. "Be patient I'm coming back close your eyes and hold out your hands." I say as I start to come back from the kitchen. I walk back into the room and she's sitting on my bed with her hands out and her eyes closed. I placed the pie in her hands. 

"Okay open your eyes." I say and I watch as her eyes light up looking at this pie. "BILLIE YOU DIDN'T!!" She says with a gasp. "Oh but I did." I say as I hold out two forks with a smile on my face. "She gave you the recipe and not me?!" She says as we start to eat the pie. "I mean yeah we had to get it some how it's not like she can ship it to LA." I say as we both laugh. We finished up the pie and she definitely feels a lot better now.

This girl means so much to me.. it absolutely tore me apart inside to watch her get beaten like that.. I just wonder if she feels the same..?

*Time skip a few hours*

Fallon is asleep in my bed I was just scrolling through Instagram when all of a sudden I get a text message from a random number.. "You can't keep me away forever Eilish Fallon's mine.." Is what it said. Immediately I made calls and got a permanent restraining order against her and Fallon. She can no longer be within 100 feet of her at all. I blocked the number and started to look at what was going on in the social media aspect of things regarding the hospital incident. 

I got multiple tweets asking what happened and to explain so that's what I did. I made an announcement on my Instagram story.

"Hey guys I know there's been paparazzi pictures of Finneas, Jake James, Fallon James and I entering a hospital with Fallon being severely injured. I'm not going to go into detail as far as what happened but I will say that we are all okay. Fallon is safe and healing. I'm sure she'll tell you what happened when she's ready. Some things that she has been working on are going to be delayed because of her injuries but as soon as she's up to it she will be back to working hard for you guys. Thank you and please respect our privacy. We love you guys." 

I posted the announcement on my story and immediately got nothing but positive feedback from all of our fans. Now there are even more ship accounts but it's okay Fallon and I think they're adorable. We both really only want the best for our fans but at the same time we want privacy I feel like if we do eventually get into a relationship together it should be private at first because I don't want to jump into things to quickly.. I really hope she feels the same..

*The next day*

I'm having Jake come over to the house and distract Fallon while I pick up May from the air port and she could help me plan a date for Fallon. May and I have met a couple of times over face time so I know she'll be willing to help us too. Claudia and Finneas are already at the store picking up things for the date. I asked them for help because I honestly have never been on a date since.. never mind but I just don't really know how to plan one so their helping me.

*Fallon's POV* 

I'm feeling a bit better but my head is still killing me. That pie yesterday really helped me feel better. Billie told me she finally got that restraining order which helps so much. I need to figure out a way to thank her but I can't really do much at the moment. Jake came over I know he's stalling but I don't know what for. He keeps telling me he needs help with ukulele cords but he's played those cords thousands of times before without me so it's obvious he's stalling.

"J what's going on you know how to play those cords! You've played them thousands of times before without me. It's in your debut single for crying out loud!" I said starting to get annoyed. "Fal I don't know what you're talking about I'm having a terrible time with these cords!!" He said chuckling nervously because he knows I'm right. "Whatever man who are you stalling for this is seriously getting irritating!!" I said honestly. "Just chill for a minute Fal I swear it'll be worth the wait." He says.

*Jake's POV*

I knew the stalling wasn't going to work Billie really needs to hurry. "The date isn't ready yet but she can hang out with May while we finish up we're pulling in now." Billie texted me. Thank god she was about to kill me because of these stupid cords I obviously already know. There was a knock on Billie's bedroom door.

 "Billie why are you knocking on your own door-" Fallon started to say but then she looked up from her phone and saw her walking in. "MAY!" She yelled as her best friend May ran to her side and hugged her. "Oh Fallon what did Chloe do.." May said with tears in her eyes and Fallon started tearing up as well. "No! No crying okay? I'm okay we're all okay and I have a restraining order now so that's all that matters." Fal said sniffling as they continued to hug. "Besides you didn't come all the way from Canada just to be sad with me alright?" Fallon asked as May laid beside her on the bed and they started messing around and telling jokes I left the room to help Billie with the date. 

*May's POV*

"So how's my superstar bestfriend?" I asked as we laughed together. "I'm not a superstar." She said laughing again. "Fal you were on the cover of VOUGE!! That's huge and I'm so proud of you." I said as I leaned into her carefully. "Thank you that means so much to me and I swear if I'm allowed to on my first tour you're coming with me." She said with the biggest smile on her face. "So how are you and Billie?" I asked. "M I really like her.. I feel safe with her, she's so nice, I can tell she genuinely cares about me, and my health which means a lot she's just a great person." She said as her eyes lit up. She was so in love with this girl they were meant for each other.

"You already know how I feel about Billie she really is an amazing person and I approve." I said with a smile on my face.

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