Feeling better (20)

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(Disclaimer I don't know if the French I put in this chapter is actually correct I got it from my cousin who's taking a French class right now so he could have lied.)

*Billie's POV*

I'm headed back to Fallon's apartment. I went to my house to get some of the soup my mom makes. Sure it's good when your healthy but it's so much better when you're sick. I walked into Fallon's apartment to see her at the kitchen island with her laptop working and on the phone with someone. "Ouais qui devrait travailler planifier la réuni on pour 8 heures du matin." She says as she hangs up the phone. 

"What was that?" I asked very confused. "I was just setting up a meeting  for August with a French business owner that wants to work on some clothes with me. Mackenzie was going to do it but he doesn't speak English and she doesn't speak French so I had to work it out." She says going back to work on her laptop. "You know French?" I asked impressed. "Yeah of course I was taught in school." She says as I shut her laptop. "Billie why did you shut my laptop I need to finish those emails!" She asked confused.

"Because It's only Thursday and you can't go back to work until Monday!" I said putting her laptop away. "Billie please?" She asked. "No you can't work until Monday." I said as I made my way back into the kitchen. "But I feel better." She lied. "No you don't your nose is all stuffy and I checked your temperature before I left the house. You still have a fever." I said as I got the soup out and she gasped. "The soup!" She said sounding excited. "After we eat we're going to go upstairs and take it easy no working!!" I over exaggerate as she giggles and starts eating.

*Time skip a few days*

*Fallon's POV*

It's now Sunday I'm feeling a lot better and I could not be more excited to go to work. Billie isn't very excited for me to go back to work because we won't get to spend as much time together as we have been this week but it's okay. I've stopped puking and I don't have a fever anymore and I only have to take my meds until next week then I'll be better!! 

Billie is recording with Finneas right now so I'm going to do dishes and clean the apartment before she gets back. I turned on some music and got to work. I started with laundry, then dishes, then I organized my closet and the apartment was spic and span with a few minutes to spare. I got in the shower and changed before ordering food from Billie's favorite vegan restaurant in LA.

I put the food on the kitchen table before hearing her car park in my drive way. She walked up the stairs and smiled when she saw me sitting at the table waiting for her. "Baby what's all this?" She asked as she put her keys on the hook and sat down her hoodie. "Well I needed to clean and I thought you deserved a cute little thank you for taking care of me so I prepared a date." I said as I got up to hug her. "This is adorable thank you my love." She said as she kissed me.

We had an amazing date and fell asleep cuddled up together in my bed. Nothing could be more perfect..

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