The Date (13)

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*Billie's POV*

I have everything almost ready I'm on my way to pick her up from my house right now. I just hope this ends the way I want it to. I walk into the house and open my bedroom door. She's sitting on my floor playing 8 on my ukulele in black leggings and a sweater. "Oh hey Billie May is in the bathroom so I'm chillin on your floor." She said giggling. "Okay well I want to take you somewhere." I said with a grin on my face. "Where to Eilish?" She asked carefully standing up and putting the ukulele on my bed. "It's a surprise." I said leading her out of the house and into my car.

I put a blindfold on her and she took my hand. I immediately got butterflies. We got to the park where the date was set up so I took the blindfold off of her. "Billie this is amazing! Thank you so much!" She said as she sat down I watched her eyes light up as she admired everything. "It was no problem." I said nervously. "So I have to tell you something important." I said. "Okay." She said. "I know we haven't known each other that long but we've gotten really close over these past few months." I start to ramble. "Bil relax what's going on?" she asked. "I have feelings for you but I totally understand if you-" I say as she cuts me off with a kiss.

Electricity ran through my body as our lips moved together in sync everything felt perfect. We pulled away from each other and both blushed. "I like you too Eilish." She said as we both laughed. The rest of the date went great. I can't believe I get to call this girl mine.. When Fallon told May we were officially dating May told me that if she broke her heart she would break my face. Fair enough. 

We were all in the living room watching movies. By the end of them Fallon was asleep so I picked her up and carried her to my room. May slept in the guest room, Finn and Claudia went home, and I was in my room with Fallon. She looked so adorable while she was sleeping. I cuddled up to her and fell asleep.

*The next day*

I woke up and stood at the wall before walking into the kitchen because I heard Fallon and my mom talking in there. "That's the demo you recorded?" My mom asked. "Fallon that's amazing you need to show Billie." She said. "I want to work on it first I don't like the way it turned out." She said shrugging as I walked into the room. "Don't like the way what turned out?" I asked with a smile as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Nothing." She said hugging me. "Fallon recorded a great demo that she doesn't think is good enough to show you yet." My mom said. "Maggie whyyy now I have to show her." She said. "So show me." I said.

"I will when it's done I want to work on it some more.." She said walking back into my room and changing into some clothes. "I'm feeling better now so we don't have to go to the doctor again bils." She says because she knows her check up appointment is today. "You still have a concussion and even if you're feeling better those bruises are going to be there for a while my love." I said as she came back into the kitchen.

"So you're still gonna make me go?" She asked with a pout. "yes I am we leave in an hour how is Jake?" I asked. "He's okay he said he misses us and that he wants us to meet his friends to see if we approve." She said with a giggle. "That's cute we'll go down there after your doctors appointment." I said. "I'll go to the doctors appointment willingly with no complaining if you let me drive." She says with a grin. "Okay but, I get to choose the music." I say as she nods in agreement and we're off to her appointment. 

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