What happened? (11)

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*Billie's POV*

*This chapter could be triggering to some people.*

I woke up in my house on my couch. I looked out the window to see my beautiful Dragon sitting in her parking spot with no slashed tires. They weren't her original tires but they weren't slashed. How did I get to my house and how is Dragon in my drive way. The first thing I do is get up to find my mom. I find her in the backyard talking to my dad. "Mom what's going on?" I asked sitting next to her. "Neither you or Fallon were answering your text messages. Jake came to our house earlier looking for you and we told him you were at Fallon's like you said you were." She said explaining what happened. "We all went to Fallon's apartment to look for you guys but both of your tires were slashed and we found you sleeping on her couch so where's Fallon?" My mom asked as I sat down on the couch that we have in the backyard. 

"I need to talk to Jake." I said getting up. "He's in Finneas's room." my dad said as I walked in the house to talk to Jake. As soon as I walked in the door they were all asking me what happened. "Yesterday morning when Fal woke up at my house she was tagged in a picture it was her leaving the apartment and getting into my car. She was crying because of what had happened before I came to get her. She said she needed to leave so I took her home and the plan was to stay until she was safe or until you got home Jake." I explained. "We were about to go to taco bell when we both noticed our tires were slashed so we couldn't leave. It had to have been this ex Fallon told me about. We walked back into the house to wait for something to happen then we both passed out and I woke up here." I explained. 

"We need to find her and fast because Fallon's ex is really aggressive. How much did she tell you about her?" He asked. "Not much I don't even know her name all I know is she was abusive and a really really bad ex." I say honestly because that's genuinely all I knew about this person. "I know her address but I highly doubt they're at her ex's apartment. Fallon's smart she's been in this situation before she probably left her location on but I'm being serious when I say we really need to be careful." He says getting some of his stuff together Finneas came with us.

 We went to the location and I walk up,  look through one of the windows in the garage to see Fallon getting beat up by this girl. I wanted to go in there and save her but that would ruin the whole plan. She saw me but her expression didn't change. I backed away from the window and ran back to Finneas and Jake and told them to call the police. It took a while to get a hold of them because we were in the middle of no where we didn't have service so we left the location and came back after we had called the police Fallon was sitting there tied to a chair with tears running down her face the garage door opened so Fallon could see Finneas's car. 

"IT'S A TRAP! GO! LEAVE!" Fallon yelled as Finneas started backing out to leave, his back tires both popped. She knew we were here. "All we have to do is stall until the cops get here." Finneas said. "No one get out of the car we can't risk anyone getting hurt." Finneas said as he made sure all the doors were locked. "Look she's coming out of the house." I whispered not knowing what she was going to do. "YOU CAN ONLY LOVE ME!" The girl yelled as she kept beating up Fallon. At this point Fallon looked so tired, she was covered in bruises and blood..

 I didn't even know I was crying until the tears started hitting my pants. "I can't watch her get beat up like this.." I said to the guys. "You won't have to for much longer." Jake said also crying as the cops busted in. "PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK AND GET ON THE GROUND." One of the cops yelled as he arrested the girl. I immediately got out of the car and rushed into the garage to untie her so did Jake and Finneas. She was so weak she fell into my arms and asked me to take her home. I called an Uber for all of us and Finneas was having his car towed.

"Everything hurts.." She said laying her head in my lap as she sat next to me. Finneas sat in the passenger seat next to the driver and Jake sat next to us holding Fallon's hand the entire ride. "It's going to be okay we're headed to the hospital now." Jake said reassuring her. "You can tell mom now.. she deserves to know." Fallon said as she laid still in my lap until we got to the hospital. Of course when we got there paparazzi was everywhere asking what happened, why we were there, stupid questions. Finneas and Jake eventually got them to back off but that's not something we needed to happen right then and there.

 Jake checked her in and we waited. She sat next to me with her head on my shoulder waiting for her name to be called. Her name was eventually called and we went back into the room with her. They asked her what happened and she told them. The nurses left after a bit and she looked at me. "Bil have you been crying?" She asked with a sad look on her face as I slowly nodded. She then looked at the boys who had also been crying. "Have you all been crying?" She asked as we all laughed because her question lightened the mood a bit. 

She has a concussion and a lot of bruises and cuts but other than that she's okay. She was told to stay off of her feet for a few days and not do too much until they're sure she she's recovered. She's very independent so she was upset when she was told she can't do much but she eventually understood when she realized her health was more important than pride. She's picked out a new apartment in downtown LA not that far from Jake's friends house so if something was to ever happen they are in walking distance of each other. She said she wants to move out after she's recovered. On the way back I insisted she let me take care of her and she tried to tell me no but didn't end up winning that argument. 

*Fallon's POV*

*Hours earlier..*

I woke up in Chloe's garage tied to a chair with her standing in front of me with a bat in her hands. "Hello my darling." She said as she played with my hair a bit. "We're going to be together forever." She said dancing around the room with a psychotic grin on her face. "I don't love you anymore you broke my heart what do you not understand about tha-" I start to say but before I could finish she starts hitting me in the head numerous times with the bat.

 At this point I could taste blood. "I love you and I can't have anyone getting in my way." She said kicking me in the stomach in turn knocking the chair over. "W-What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "I know about Billie." She said. "What?" I asked as she slapped me across the face. "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME FALLON!! YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!" She yelled as she kept beating me. 

"You're in love with her but don't worry darling you won't be for long." She says as she leaves the room. She comes back minutes later with a knife and starts making cuts all along my arms and legs. "P-Please stop.." I said sobbing. "Not until you tell me you don't love her!" She yells as she makes sure not to cut me to deep. "W-Why can't you just let me g-go Chloe?" I ask as she stops to answer my question.

 "Because my love we were meant to be together can't you see that?" She asks with a joyful smile on her face. I started loosing hope that they were going to find me.. Chloe has kidnapped me once before and ever since then I leave my location on but what if they didn't check that..? I thought to myself until I saw Billie's face in the window. "Oh it looks like we have visitors darling isn't that exciting?" She asked me as she kept kicking me in the stomach. "I'll be back." She says leaving me alone lying on the floor.

I was alone for what felt like hours until she came back to sit the chair up. "I have to go take care of something but don't worry my love I'll be back before you know it." She said kissing my bruised cheek as she left the room. The garage door opened and I saw Finneas's car. "IT'S A TRAP! GO! LEAVE!" I yelled and of course right as Finneas started to back out his tires popped. Chloe came back into the garage and saw that I was looking at Billie. "YOU CAN ONLY LOVE ME!!" She yelled as she continued beating me. 

The police arrived and minutes later Jake, Billie, and Finneas all came to untie me. I fell into Billie's arms and cried as she held me for a minute. After things had calmed down they took me to the hospital and right as we got there of course there was paparazzi. My head is killing me I just want to go home and sleep. They were all asking questions so fast I couldn't keep up so I didn't answer them. When we finally did get in the hospital all they told me was that I had a concussion and to stay off my feet until next week when I come back so they can make sure I'm healing right. 

I really want to finish that song but this has completely de-railed everything. I can't go into the studio, I can't go to my apartment, I can't answer e-mails because the light hurts my head. So I told Jake to tell mom what happened and for now Jake will stay at his friends house while I'm at Billie's. I don't want to be dependent on her at all but it is what it is.

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