Mom's House (3)

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*Fallon's POV*

I just got back to my house and some how Eilish already got a contract shipped to my door. I unlocked the door bringing the contract inside the house with me and called my mom tell her about today. 

Italic: mom

Bold: Fallon

"Hey sweetie how was the concert?"

"It was crazy you'll never guess what happened!"

"What happened you sound excited." I could tell she was smiling through the phone.

"At the end of the concert the singer got pulled into the crowd so I started pushing people away from her and held her to my chest until she was safe so she didn't get crushed and now she wants me to be a part of her new security team!!"

"That's Insane Fal you have to take the offer!" she said chuckling as she spoke

"But mom I would have to leave Canada I don't know how long I'd be gone.. I would have to go on the next world tour and leave you and Jake behind. I don't know if I could do that to you guys.."

Sweetie you can't worry about us it's always been your dream to travel the world! We'll be alright." 

"Alright I'll stop by the house and stay for a couple days to talk to him about it and see what he thinks. I want to see my little brother." I say with a smile on my face.

"Okay I'm sure you want to surprise him so I won't say anything to him about it. I love you sweetie I'm excited to see you." 

"I love you too mom I'll see you tomorrow goodnight."

We hang up the phone so I get in the shower, change, and turn on a movie to help pass the time while my food is cooking. I put some vegan lasagna in the oven before I got in the shower so now I'm just waiting for it to get done. The timer goes off so I take it out of the oven, eat, and put the left overs in the fridge. I look at the time and it's 11:30pm I was going to call May and tell her about everything that happened today but I think she'd be asleep by now.

I head to my bedroom after turning off the movie and try to go to sleep.

*The next day*

I'm on the way to my moms house I have bags in the back seat because I'm planning on staying a few days and the clothes I left here don't fit anymore so I have a  couple bags prepared. I'm so excited to see Jake and I've missed him so much. I get to my moms house and park. I let myself in with my key because I didn't want Jake to know I was here just yet. 

I walk in and take off my shoes so they don't make noise as I walk up stairs to his room. He's sitting at his desk playing his ukulele. "You're really good at that." I say to him with a huge smile on my face as I watch him play. "Thanks mom I got it from- FALLON!!!" He screams as he jumps up and hugs me. "I missed you so much!!" He says as he squeezes me tighter. "I missed you more J" I say chuckling as I talk.

I hear something beep but thought it was something in his room and ignored it. "Speaking of music can we get our old equipment out and play something?" He asked. "I don't know J I really don't do that anymore I'm a bit rusty.." I say. "Please Fal for old times sake?" He begged. "Alright Alright we can play something." I say as he got all excited. I haven't sang or played any sort of music since my dad died but I thought this would be a good excuse to do it so.

We get everything set up in Jake's little studio and I hear more noise but still think it's something in his room. We walk out back and set up a camera so we can show it to mom when she gets home from work. 

As we finished the song I realized the noise was coming from my phone so I probably just butt-dialed May. "Fal that was amazing I'm telling you. You seriously need to put out your own music!" Jake says as we walk back into the house. "Thank you J but like I said I don't do that." I say with a smile. "If you say so." He says getting lemonade out of the fridge. 

"So um.. not to kill the mood or anything J but we need to talk about something a little more serious.." I say nervously. "Okay what..? Is it something bad is something wrong?" He asked. "No no it's nothing bad but um.." I stutter out. "Fallon just spit it out you're making me nervous.." He says chuckling nervously. "Alright alright you know how you and May are like obsessed with Billie Eilish?" I ask chuckling when I realize the irony of this situation.

"Yeah what about it?" He asks with a smile growing on his face. "So May had an extra ticket to a concert and we went together last night.. Billie got pulled into the mosh pit so I protected her from the crowd until she was safe again." I say as his smile just keeps getting bigger and bigger. "Oh my god Fallon that's INSANE!" He says fanboying over her. "It is but that's not the best part. She asked me to be a part of her new security team." I say as he screams in joy at the top of his lungs.

"You have to say yes! Fallon you have to!" He says after he finishes screaming. "Calm down J I would have already said yes if there wasn't a downside to this okay? Listen going on the next tour would mean that I have to leave Canada and go on the world tour I have no idea when I would see you again." I say getting more nervous. 

"I know that your dreams are to travel the world, we would make it work we would face time, call, text, talk every day. I think you should do it you'll have an amazing time." He says holding my hands super tight. "But what about you?" I ask. "I know that there will be breaks in the tour and such we'll see each other." He says with a kind of sad smile on his face. "Oh and a super awesome perk for you is when I take this deal you get free tickets to all of the Vancouver shows during the tour." I say as he starts fanboying again. 

Looks like I'm Billie Eilish's body guard now.

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