Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV
"Hey! sweetheart! Get up! We're moving today get your last boxes!" My mom yelled as I dragged myself out of bed.

"Nooooo." I whispered going into the bathroom.

I look horrible... I hopped in the shower for a quick one before packing my shower stuff.

I packed everything and took one quick look in the room.

"I'm gonna miss Texas..." I whispered as I left with my bag and suitcase.

We drove and boarded the plane.

My mom said that they would bring the car with them.

After while we got off the plane and I sat down so my mom could contact my soon-to-be stepdad.

"Holy shit." I said resting my eyes after I sat down. I didn't get any sleep on the plane and I'm fact I don't sleep very often at all due to school and sports. I play soccer and basketball. Mostly soccer I joined the basketball team but been getting bored of it. So I don't know what's gonna happen in the new town I'm gonna be in.

I could feel myself nearly drift but my mom shook me out of it.

"Hey I know your tired but we need to get inside. After you get your boxes you can sleep." She said softly.

My mom met my step-dad a year ago. It's been 3 years since my dad died of cancer. Before my mom met my step-dad she told me he was a drinker. When he drink he got violent and abused his way to get what he want. Once he met my mom he stopped drinking, which made me really glad.

The soon-to-be stepdad came and picked us up.

"Hey! I'm Alexander! Or call me Alex. Your bedroom is going to be upstairs! My son can show you." He said driving

A boy about 4 years younger then me so about 12 years was sitting right next to me.

"I'm Will!" He said as he had a big smile.

"I'm Skylar but call me Skye if you want." I said as we both smiled together.

We finally got home and the hours was decent sized for a family of four. We started to un pack and get boxes out of the car that was delivered to us.

I got the last few of my boxes as I laid down on the bed hoping I could catch a little sleep before dinner.

"Sweetheart you want to come with us and look around?" My mom ask as I shook my head no.

I hope school here is way better.

I manage to catch 3 hours of sleep before waking up.

I unpacked everything and hopes of making my room a good vibe. I hung LED lights up and I was done after 6 hours. I checked the time to see it was 1am so I went cooked me ramen and watch a little bit of Shameless before going to sleep.


I woke up the next morning and went on for a run.

I played a playlist and ran down to the beach. I ran along side the coastline until I got tired. I decided to walk and found people playing on a soccer field.

"Soccer? They have a soccer field?" I asked myself as I spaced out.

"Hey watch out!!" Someone yelled getting me back into reality.

A soccer ball was coming straight for my face. I finally put my hands up and caught the soccer ball quickly. Might I forgot... I'm a goalie...

The impact kind hurt due to a hard kick.

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