Chapter 26

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Skylar's Pov
"Miss Hayes! Your artwork is very nice." I heard as I took my earbuds out and looked at him.

"I'm not following?" I said and he smiled showing a picture of my drawing I did two days ago.

"Uhm... I didn't send that to you... must be someone's else." I said looking away.

"Miss Hayes your signature is clearly drawn at the bottom." He said showing me as I looked at him.

"I've entered you into the drawing contest. Maybe put some thought into it. I'd love to see what you created." He said and I froze...

He what... he put me in the drawing contest. How did he even get the drawing-

Oh my god Anna! Oh I'm gonna fucking kill her.

The bell rung and I walked out and was pulled to the side to see Anna.

"Hey." She said and I rolled my eyes wanting to walk the other way.

She dragged me by my arm and pulled me into the bathroom shutting and locking the door.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yelled already in pissed mood.

"Damn... Chill out. I wanna talk." She said and I shook my head no.

"Cmon please." She whined at me.

"No." I said sternly.

I watched her get closer to me before she smiled and in a swift move she has me against the wall.

"Say it again. Say no to me one more time. I'd like to hear from your big brave mouth." She said and I rolled my eyes.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out she had that smirk.

"Exactly what I thought." She said getting closer to my face.

Her hands were on my waist and kept me against the wall by pressure. I gotta say I miss these times but my feelings for Anna was pushed as far as they could and was locked in chains. Same for Ag...

"I hate the fact that your acting like this." She said as I looked at her.

I looked down at her hands on my waist over the exact bruises that were filled.

"I'm sorry?" I said and she let out a sigh.

"The way your acting to me isn't funny. You've changed since... the day we went home from the tournament." She said running her hand through her hair.

"Why are you so interested in me? Like why couldn't you be with any other girl. Like their are girls out there begging for their lives right now to be with you." I said and she looked at me.

"Because you seem like you need help more than others." That threw me off.

I pushed her off of me and got mad... really mad.

"What you think I'm some mentally ill kid that needs fucking help!" I yelled at her.

"By the way Your acting! Yes! Your going psycho at this point!" She yelled with her balled up fist.

"You've changed! You fucking changed! And I don't like this new you because you act like you don't give fucks anymore about your life!" She yelled as she got closer.

I backed myself into a wall and afraid she might hit me... I felt a few tears drop from my eyes just by her yelling at me.

"I miss the old you... the one that was more bratty and the one that was cool to hang out with. At this point I don't even know who the fuck you are." She said as she was right at least 3 inches away from me.

"Well at least Im trying to live this stupid life!" I yelled shoving her out of the way.

"By the way... you had no right to submit my drawing..." I said in anger opening the door and running right out.

I stopped by my car and got in before fully breaking down. I drove to wherever I could besides home. Alex was home...

I went to an empty parking lot and sat on a rusty old bench. My music blasting and I sat there before just breaking myself.

But could I say she's wrong? She's totally right. I'm not trying to be myself at this point I'm trying to survive shitty highschool and than go back to Texas... be where I'm suppose to be and somewhere I can actually fit in.

I was driving back home where I saw a small building being sold. Only 200 dollars... my mind started to created things I could do for this place...

That's when I thought of it... an artwork studio! I don't have enough room in my bedroom. I drove in the gravel parking lot and knocked on the door. The place seemed to be abandoned and it wasn't far from town.

"Why hello there." I heard turning around and shrieking.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..." he said and I smiled.

"You looking at this building?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm selling it. You want it? I can buck it down for 100. I'm desperately needing that 100." He said and I laughed.

"Sure I can take it." I said and he smiled.

"I don't have the money right now can I come back same time? Tomorrow?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Thank you so much. We can get papers signed over to you." He said and I nodded.


"Mom Im home!" I yelled as I saw Alex in the kitchen drinking his beer.

"Come here you brat!" He yelled getting closer.

I only punched him in the face before running up too my room and closing the door shut and locking it.

Thank the heavens for locks...

I heard a couple thuds but I got use to it. I was tired and sat my bag down before looking over at my desk to see something.

It was a credit card...

Hey sweetheart it's mom.

Your father James had given 10000 has a Will for you. Keep the money and make sure no one finds it. Use it wisely and I love you.

Pin code 9372

The note was written before seeing the debit card. I smiled and laughed before doing a little happy dance.

My dad was the best... the best dad I could ever have and get. He was truly a good person and was gone too soon...

Don't hurt me alright?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt