Chapter 31

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Ag's Pov
I went back out grabbing Jake's shirt. He was the main guy in the cult you know the leader.

I threw him against the fence before slamming my fist in his face.

"You pussy little bitch." I said before intentionally beating his face up.

He was gasping for air has I stopped. Someone else try ramming me before tackling them and pushing them into the pool.

"What is going on here..." I heard seeing the guy who hosted the party.

"Your little shits took advantage of a girl. In your goddamn party. Fuck off." I said leaving.

I got in my car before cleaning my knuckles with a extra shirt I had in the car. I texted Anna to see where Skylar was.

I drove off pissed before trying to take deep breaths. I didn't drink much. Probably only had a shot of vodka and that was all.

I drove home and on my way I saw a warehouse... it was alone in a field. I stopped by it and opened the door.

"Someone needs to get a lock on this..." I mumbled as I look in the dark room.

I went back to my car and grabbed a flashlight I always had in my car and looked through the small room.

There was stringed artwork on the sides and above me. Some booze everywhere and painting stocks on the ground.

I looked down at the paintings and the drawings that were drawn. There was paper everywhere and a black and red paint on the walls.

I managed to find a light for a partial side of the room and turned it on to see a spray paint mural on the wall.

There was a mattress. An old one with blankets and pillows with a sleeping bag next to it.

A plug in for a phone and a laptop on top. I looked around to see a more strung up artwork on strings.

"Oh my god..." I whispered to see drawings of... me...

And Anna? There were a lot more people on this table. People I've seen around School sometimes.

There were drawings of famous people and animals shown everywhere. Unfinished drawings everywhere and on the floor. Some even hung up on strings.

I shook my head out of and left the building quickly. So no one would catch me snooping around. I drove home and just fell on my bed.

Skylar's Pov
I woke up throwing up over the side of the bed. I sat up and immediately realized what room I was in.

Anna was checking her phone as I tried to get up. But felt a sting in my collarbone.

"Hey no come here..." Anna said as she pulled me back into the bed.

"It's only 6 in the morning. Go back to sleep and I'll wake you up in the actually morning." She said putting her head on my shoulder her her arm over me.

I felt the aftertaste of the my own vomit making wanna gag. I got over it and closed my eyes...


What felt like the next minute I felt my someone brush my hair out of my eyes.

"Do you think we should get her some pain meds. That gash is gonna take awhile to heal up." I heard a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes to see Ag in front of me.

"Hey pretty girl." She whispered before sitting up next to me.

"I'll go get the pain meds." I heard Anna and a shift in the bed as she got up.

I felt something come until and crawled over Ag throwing up over the side of the bed again.

"Your okay." I heard Ag has she rubbed my back.

She sat me against her and she made me drink some water to wash the aftertaste down.

"Skye we need you to take these." I heard as Anna came in with a can of soda and a bottle of pills.

"I'm not taking that." I said and she looked at me.

"You have to take these. Cmon just take them." She said and I shook my head no.

"Don't make me force them down your throat." She said and I looked at her in disbelief by the way she said that.

I felt her starting to get on top of me has she told me to sit up. I did but she put a hand out of pills and I moved my head away from them.

"Look their just pills that help you with the pain." Ag said and I shook my head no.

"Take the goddamn pills Skylar." Ag said as I shook my head no trying to pull Anna off of me.

"Hey no calm down." Anna said as I felt her put the soda down.

I fought back against her as I tried to get her off of me.

"Fuck ag hold her goddamn legs down." I heard Anna say as I fought back against Ag.

She restrained my legs making me panic at the restraints there was on me.

"Skylar calm down okay. We're here to help not to hurt you like those boys." I heard but my thoughts was clouding my mind.

Anna's POV
"Fuck ag hold her goddamn legs down." I said as I felt Skylar kick me in the back.

I restrained her hands pinning her down on the bed. I took the pills has she refused to open her mouth.

I looked at her collar bone has it started to bleed a lot. It started to drip down onto her sports bra and got on the bed sheets.

I looked back at Skylar who sobbing. She was scared and we were scaring her.

"Ag go get the pills in the cabinet. It's the one on the far left." I said as Ag looked at me in panic.

"Go!" I yelled and she went right away.

I grabbed the nearest cloth that was near me has I put it over and pressed on her gash making her cry out.

"Hey your okay. I promise. I'm not here to hurt you." I whispered in her ear as all I could hear was her painful sobs in my ear.

Ag came through has I traded pills with her and took the panic pills.

"Please take it. Okay this is gonna help you." I said and she shook her head no.

I pulled my hand over her mouth as she was begging me to let go of her. I took my hand off and she gasped as I took my chances and put the pill in her mouth and put my hand back over it.

"Okay. This is the first step now all you gotta do is swallow. Okay? Swallow it." I said and she put her hand over mine and tried to pull it over mouth.

I heard her gulp as I let out a relief. I took my hand and she gasped for her air has I got off of her.

I laid next to her and her sobs were still going but not has loud as they were. I didn't mean to scare her and I just wanted her to feel okay. I took it too far and I hated myself for that.

I turned to my side as I heard skylar stop sobbing. She was still crying and she was heaving out of lost air.

I kissed the side of her head and just whispered reassuring things to see if that would help her.

I looked at Ag who was sitting on the bed leaning against the wall. She was zoned out and Skylar who I could hear small whimpering from her.

This was scary for me. I hated that I forced her to swallow something she didn't want to swallow.


I give the new Spider-Man a 100/10

Andrew Garfield is so hot Omg 😀

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