Chapter 24

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Anna's POV
"Skylar Hayes!" I heard looking over at the teacher.

I looked everywhere and saw Skylar wasn't here... where the fuck is she. I looked over at Ag who was chatting up with her friends.

"Dude where is Skylar?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Have you tried contacting her?" She said looking at me.

"Well no shit. Have I tried." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"She's probably just late.."

"What you catching feelings?"

"What no. I'm not catching feelings. I just wanted to make a move you know?" I said and she laughed a little.

"Yeah right." She said and I rolled my eyes.

I looked over at the door to see Skylar walking in with earbuds in her ear. She went up to the teacher talking with her before sitting down.

"Hey." I said behind her but she didn't respond.

I pulled one of her ear plugs out and she finally looked at me.

"Wanna tell me why ur late?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Well your gonna tell me anyways." I said sitting in the chair next to her.

"Just go Anna. I don't wanna deal with your stupid bullshit right now." She said and that threw me off.

I looked closely at her fingers to see her knuckles practically ripped up.

"What did you do?" I asked pointing at her knuckles.

"I punched a wall. Now will you leave me alone?" She said putting her head down.

I shrugged brushing it off and left her with her head down.

The bell rung and I waited for Skylar to walk out so I could be with her.

"What's your next hour?" I asked her and she gave me a piece of paper that had her schedule.

"Oh dang we have third and last hour together! How nice." I said smirking.

She ignored me and took her paper back before speeding off...

"What did I do wrong?" I mumbled walking.

Skylar's pov
I ran into the bathroom seeing nobody in here. I closed the door and locked it. Stood in front of the mirror before taking my sweatshirt off.

The bruises and cuts down my body was horrifying to watch... the bandage on the deep cuts where falling off as I tried replacing them.

I couldn't do anything more than that but just stare at the broken parts of my body that are slowly falling. My cracked edges have been broken and I'm falling apart every second.

I felt like crying as I stood in front of a sink. I washed my face and put my hoodie making sure it wouldn't touch the deep marks I had.

Alex has started to drink while my mom was working a late night job. He said if I told anyone he'd hurt her and I couldn't do that. It's the first time I've seen my mom actually happy for once.

She loved him like it was my father... and kinda broke me to see that she replaced him but I couldn't stop her. My dad was the best dad I could hope for.

He would always take me out for ice cream on my game nights. We had family game night every Friday night and he was an amazingly good cook.

I loved him more than I've loved anyone else and he's gone. He's fucking gone... god what am I doing with myself.

I unlocked the door to see Ag standing there waiting.

"You really need that much privacy? Like dang girl there's 5 stalls." She said moving me out of the way.

I rolled my eyes before walking off. I stopped by to get me a snack. Something that was low money and something I could eat and at least satisfy me for the rest of the day.

I only had 400 and that's all I got. I have to get a job and get paid before I could do anything else.


"Miss Hayes." I heard seeing the art teacher stop me before I could leave.

"This... you've manage to make this less than an hour. How?" He asked as he showed me a drawing I made of a random girl with a mask on.

"Have you tried entering this?" He asked giving me a paper.

He showed me a contest paper with an art show that was being held in a museum. The new one that opened just in downtown. Any art pieces that win are able to be placed in the new museum and has a rewarded money by the place you get.

"No. I'm fine thank you for asking." I said smiling.

"I insist... you look like your going through rough times. Please consider it." He said and I shrugged.

"Yeah thanks but no thanks." I said smiling and he nodded in disappointment.

I would never win that contest... god there's like 400 entries to that.

I walked out and felt my bag being pulled.

"Hi pretty girl. It's good to see you again." I heard seeing Drake.

"God when are you ever gonna leave me alone!" I yelled feeling eyes on me.

Drake looked at me in embarrassment. I stared at him before being pulled back by a tall girl. Of course it's Anna...

"Back off of her. Unless you want to get snitched get outta here." She said.

I could only roll my eyes by the fact I was needed to be protected by every little thing I did.

"You okay?" Anna asked me and I nodded.

"Your really off... what's going on?" She said raising my chin up.

I pushed off of her before leaving without a word... I know I shouldn't have do that but it's better to stay quiet. Cause if you don't your gonna say too much and that's gets you in trouble...

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