Chapter 37

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Skylar's Pov
I have been avoiding both Ag and Anna the entire time. I was released from the hospital yesterday. Now I am working on the homework I missed and was trying to catch up.

Alex hasn't came home yet. And mom is downstairs being all mad with the phone calls she's been getting from child services.

Me and Will have gotten a lot closer though but he's been all out with his friends because no one has been home.

"I'm going out to find you father you scared away." I heard as mom barged into my room.

"Knocking is existent you know that right?" I said and she rolled her eyes slamming my door.

"Oh but if I slam the door you get mad." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

I was doing math which was extremely frustrating. I was only on my last few questions.

That's when I heard a knock on my window. I signed getting up and opening my window to see Ag and Anna.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said calmly.

"We wanted to come check on you. Seeing if you were okay." Anna said.

"Nice try. Go away." I said walking away.

"Cmon please! You gotta forgive us at some point!" Ag yelled out.

I went back to the window to see Ag getting a ladder.

"Are you really gonna climb your way to my window?" I asked and she nodded as I rolled my eyes.

I closed my window to make it harder for her to get in. Alex had took the lock off my window before I even came to Michigan.

I sat down back on my bed. To see if I can finish these problems when I heard tapping on the window. I rolled my eyes and ignored them.

That's when I heard knocking on my door. The door flew open and there stood Anna.

"What the fuck!" I yelled as she smiled at me before going to the window.

She helped Ag in has I stared at them in disbelief. I walked out of my room down to the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat.

"Look Skylar we're sorry." Ag said behind me has I just ignored them.

The fact that they both got in my house means we have shitty security...

"You can't stay mad at us for long. You gotta remember us helping you!" Anna said has I felt her behind me.

"Sorry doesn't do shit. You used me has a bet as I actually thought I was something. Now I just know I was a use for money." I said grabbing a pack of ramen to cook.

"Okay but that was before everything happened!" Ag said has they were in the kitchen.

"Before what happened? Before my actual home burned down?! You literally got to me when I was at my lowest. You think that's okay?!" I yelled at them as they blocked me from getting a bowl.

"LITERALLY JUST LET ME EAT MY GODDAMN RAMEN!!" I yelled as they looked at me.

Never have I ever thought I would scream that...

"Skylar... we saw your artwork. And it was amazing. You literally have 100K in your possession." Anna said as I looked at her who was stirring my ramen.


"Well. Im just wondering why you've changed so much..." she said looking at me.

"Anna you've asked that for the past school year." I said as Ag gave me a bowl.

"Exactly. What's happened with the happier you. I liked that Skylar better." She said and I just looked at her in disbelief.

"Deal with it. She's changed and apparently since it's such a big deal to everyone. They can all go suck a goddamn dick." I said putting the ramen in the bowl.

"God can't you guys just go away?" I said and they shook their head no.

I set the bowl down and turned the burner off as I felt a set of hands on my waist.

"We want you to... forgive us." Ag said has I felt her breath running down my shoulder.

"No can do." I said as she didn't let go.

"What would you want us to do to make you forgive us." Anna said as I thought.

"Bring everything back. Go back in time and I wish I never met you guys." I said as they both looked at me.

I felt something when I said that. Like a relief and a praise for myself. I genuinely think I have a praise kink on myself.

"You don't mean that." Ag said has I felt her grip get tighter.

I slurped up my ramen has I nodded pushing her away.

"I wish you guys never met me so you didn't place a bet. I wish I never bumped into you Anna and I wish that you Ag didn't go into that bathroom that day." I said walking away.

I started to walk away when Anna blocked me off. I started to walk the other way and Ag blocked off that path.

"You really never give me a break..." I said as I was holding my bowl of ramen.

Can I literally just eat my ramen in peace for god sakes?

"Cmon... we can't do that." Ag said getting closer to me.

They both did... I backed myself into a wall as I felt crowded. I wanted to panic but for some reason their company made me feel safer more than if it was a stranger instead.

"Skylar! I'm home!" I heard as I shoved through them to see Will.

"Okay hey why don't you go to someone else's house?" I said and he thought about it.

I looked at Anna and Ag who were already looking at me. Will was looking at his phone and hasn't realized they were here.

He went back outside has he asked me to take him down the street.

I nodded as I went back inside grabbing my keys.

"I want you two out of my house when I get back." I said and they sighed.

I hope they gave up on my forgiveness at this point. Before I walked out the door I grabbed me a sweatshirt and grabbed the ramen I had eating the rest of it in the car.

I drove Will down to his friends house has I came back to see them watching tv in the living room.

"BRO! I SAID GET OUT!" I yelled and they laughed at me and shook their heads no.

"We won't leave until you forgive us." Ag said as they were watching shameless.

This isn't fair!

This gives me 'after' vibes not gonna lie

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