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✨Those blue eyes are my comfort✨

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Those blue eyes are my comfort

My bed bounced and it woke me up.

It was Jade jumping up and down on her knees "What happened last night?!" I came home and she was asleep so I couldn't give her the details. I wiped the sleep away from my eyes and said "Why did you sleep so early?" She replied "I got tired working on the designs all night. I wanted to wait up for you but I slept with the pencil in my hand and the charcoals under my butt." I smiled and stretched myself like a cat, yawning like one too.

I couldn't sleep most of the night because my brain wouldn't shut up about Nick and Harvey.

She grabs my hand and asks eagerly "How was it? Did you guys kiss? Hold hands? Cuddled? Went touchy with each other?" I decided to answer all of her questions in one go "It was nice. Yes. Yes. No. Not yet." I smiled "He's a total gentleman." Her lips curled up "Kinda boring for me but perfect for you. You know I'm more into-" I cut her off "Yeah, yeah, guys that aren't afraid to take you to bed on the third date. I get it, Jade. You like adventures." She chuckles. I looked at the clock behind her on the wall and realized that I still had an hour to sleep. I clicked my tongue "Why would you wake me up so early?"

"Because I made French toast."

I raised my brow "You? Cooking? French toast? In the morning? Is it my birthday?" She rolls her eyes "You coming or should I eat yours too." I nod "I'm coming." Jade rarely cooked but when she did, it was the best thing ever. I stand up and stretched again but I felt a slap on my butt "Hurry up. If they get cold, I'm not reheating them for you."


I took the last bite and looked at her sadly. She sighs and puts half of her toast on my plate "Eat up." I smile and not once do I feel guilty to eat it. I'd kill for Jade's cooking. Her French toast with berry sauce was the stuff to live for.

She takes a sip of her decaf coffee while I just drink plain milk on the side. Getting caramel frappe before going to work every morning is the best way to start the day for me.
She says "What are you wearing to work today?" I ask "Since when do you care what I wear to work?" She puts down her cup on the table "Alana, you need to look hot. It's not that you're not hot. You are. But you come in the category of cute-hot. You need to dress up as spicy-hot. You know?" I shake my head "That all went over my head, you know?"

She waits patiently and as I take my last bite, she grabs my wrist and makes me follow her to my room. With the amount of strength that girl holds in her body, sometimes I'm scared for the guy who she's with.
She pushes me on my unmade bed and begins to push herself inside my closet, analyzing every little piece of clothes I had, saying under her breath "No, no, no, ew, cute but no." as she pushes every hanger to the other side. I asked, "Is there anything particular you're looking for?"

"Mmhmm. Something that says 'I'm shy but uncontrollably hot that you can't keep your hands off me'. That kind of stuff."

Why did I even ask?

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