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✨I will always have feelings for you✨

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I will always have feelings for you

The next couple of days have just been distant between me and Nick.
It's not that we're not together because we are 24/7. But it's because we don't talk much. We still haven't talked about the drugs. We still haven't talked much about the painting. We haven't talked about anything. And even if I try to, I get sucked up in sex with him. Which is always amazing but at the same time, something is missing.

I try to talk to him about the Valium but I'm shut with a kiss or one of his urges to just keep having sex. I look at him and the next thing I know I'm cumming for the eighth time in the night and then I'm blacked out with sleep.
It's a weird thing to say but sex has been affecting me. I don't know if I should say that it's affecting me in a bad way because it doesn't make me feel bad physically or mentally. It just makes me a little tired. As if my body is a little sore. And the soreness affects a little at work. I'm not as energetic as I'm used to being, running around all day; getting files, and coffee, setting up meetings, setting up calls, and setting up things for my boss. Getting myself a donut feels like a chore itself and I've only been at work for an hour.

I hear a knock on the door and Zara smiles "You okay, baby?" I shake my head "No, I'm just too tired." She raises her brow and puts her palm against my forehead "You don't have a fever. Do you think you're coming down with something else?" I shake my head "No, just tired. Last night I had to take painkillers before sleep because my body wouldn't just rest. It was too restless." She shrugs and pinches my cheek softly "You just need to rest. That's all." I nod "Wish I could, but you know how Nick is. He's been freaking out all day because of his show at the end of this week. I need to spend nights with him because it calms him down."

"He's wearing you out, Lana. You need to take care of yourself too."

I smile "He already does take care of me. A lot."

I still didn't know what his newest painting was gonna be about. He didn't tell me because he wanted it to be a surprise. He just told me that the owner accepted the new painting and Nick have his show and the invitation is sent out to all the rich people here. I think even Harvey got one in the morning.
Zara sighs as her phone beeps "Need to go. I have a meeting with Vuitton for their new fabric design. Don't go home without me, I wanna spend some time with you and Jade. Feels like it's been too long since we had a girls night." I nod "I'll invite Chloe too." She smiles "Should I get pizza or fried chicken?"

"Anything as long as you can eat with us too. I'll make the brownies. I've been craving some these past few days."

"Oh, then I'm getting a tub of vanilla ice cream. I need my hot fudge brownie with ice cream."

"I'll even make some for Zaki."

She makes a face "He never shares!"

"I'll make him a different batch. Stop whining."

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