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✨When you're in pain, I'm the one who cries the most✨

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When you're in pain,
I'm the one who cries the most

WARNING: This chapter consists of triggering content.

Harvey dropped me home. Even though he insisted I'd stay the night but I said no.
It's not like I don't like him. It's just that when I'm with him all my senses go out the window. I can't think straight and I'm afraid of doing something reckless that I'll regret later.

I need some time alone in my room to get my thoughts together. Focus on something else instead of his bicep, his tattoo, his lips... his moans- damn you, Alana.
His moans- whenever he said my name while he felt good. Especially when I make him feel good.
Like a hopeless fool, I search for the keys in my bag with a smile only to realize seconds later that they were in my car. I was locked out.

I sigh and call Jade. She picks up her phone on the second ring "Hey, baby. How was work?" I smile "I'm outside the apartment. And I forgot my keys in the car."

"The car? You drove to work today, right?"

I bite my bottom lip "I did. But then I was pulled out of work by Harvey because we- because he- oh, just understand what I'm trying to say!" She laughs on the other side "Alana, I'm on my way home in like five minutes. When I get there your ass better be ready to be my narrator. I don't care what happens. We're popping a bottle of cold cheap wine in one of those fancy glasses you bought and your ass will be my narrator for the night. Got it?" I chuckle "Yes, ma'am." And then she ends the call.

I stood near the door smiling to myself because I knew she would be running home like a crazy person right now.

Minutes later, I hear footsteps on the stairs. I push off the wall and stand near the railing, saying out loud "That excited to see me?" And start laughing. I could see her shadow climbing up the stairs but when the person comes into view it was not her.


His footsteps were heavy as he climbed and dragged his bag with him. His face looked shrunk and dark circles under his eyes. He stops to look at me but then continues climbing. I take a step back when he reaches the floor but not once does he stop to look at me or smile or even say 'Hey, Curvy.'
He climbed out of my sight and that was it. Next, I hear the door bash close which made me jump.

It made me worried. No, Alana. It's not your business. You shouldn't be worried. Just stay here and wait for Jade. Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine. Just had a bad day or something. Why are you worried for no reason at all? Why do you need to worry?
My brain kept repeating the way his gaze set on mine. There were drops of sweat on his forehead too and his lips were crusty and dry. His usual mischievous eyes looked like they were out of light.

For the love of God, stop worrying. He's fine.

Okay, you know what? Let's check up on him. I'm sure neighbors can check up on each other and he lives alone so it wouldn't be a bad thing. Let's just check up on him. Yeah, and if he needs anything, I'll make him soup. Soup fixes everything.

Love, Curvy | 18+Where stories live. Discover now