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✨The past will always shape your soul no matter how much you deny it✨

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The past will always shape your soul no matter how much you deny it


There are many things the world craves. Money, love, sex, drugs, safety. And to get to those things, they'll go to any length.

I do not hate my brothers. I love them. I love them to the level I will kill and die for them.

Nicklaus- he can't adjust. He will never adjust. He's all kinds of fucked up and knows. He knows it all too well.

Harvey- the burden on him of being perfect eats him alive everyday. He's not perfect, he doesn't want to be perfect but that's what he thinks the world craves from him.

My mother- it's not easy being thrown out by your first husband when you're not even twenty five.
Mom got pregnant when she was only eighteen years old. Nicklaus' dad took her to Paris because he knew there wasn't anything left for them here. He didn't have parents and Mom's parents weren't ready to accept an unmarried pregnant teenager. They were strict catholic.
She spent seven years living in a broken and bad part of Paris. Scared every day that someone might come knocking on the door to collect her husband's debt one way or another. The man was greedy, a liar, a drunk, and a bad fucking father and husband with fake promises wrapped in his tongue.
The promise of a safe life with him was nothing but a fucking joke. I'm glad my mom found my dad and I'm glad that she came back here and didn't stay in Paris.

After being thrown out, mom came back with the little money she saved by selling her handmade paints. She didn't leave Nicklaus behind at all even though there was some part of her that wanted to leave him with his father because she didn't have enough money for the two of them to survive.
But she came back with nothing but my brother. She spent weeks homeless, on the verge of selling herself to men for money until my dad found her in front of his car. Almost getting into an accident.
His first wife had died and Harvey was in the car. Dad felt so bad about almost hitting her that he insisted she go to the hospital with him just for a check-up if she was okay or not. She wasn't. There were bruises all over her body. Bruises she got from her first husband. Dad offered her three weeks to stay in a hotel room, fully funded, until she finds something to take care of herself and her son with.
But he knew that she had nowhere to go. So he offered her a job at his gallery. As a manager that had its perks. A small apartment and enough pay to take care of herself and her child. But he fell in love with her. His second chance at love and happiness to continue living his life. But what took time was bondage between Nick and Harvey.
Harvey had some trouble with having a new mom but at the same time, my mother was a warm person. She won over his heart in no time but dad and Harvey couldn't win over Nicklaus' heart. They had fights and spewed bad words to each other but what my parents thought was that maybe after they get married, Nick will warm up to them soon.
They couldn't be more fucking wrong.

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