Chapter 5

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Song Qinghan said carefully, “Don’t expose the wound to water or dirty things. You’d better eat porridge, and you can’t eat stimulating food like peanuts.”

Little Qing took a scrupulous record. Seeing that Song Qinghan was about to fall on the ground, he couldn’t help taking a few steps forward and asked, “What happened to you?”

The after-effect of not having lunch came out. Song Qinghan stopped his desire to vomit, waved his hands, and said weakly, “Nothing. I’ll go back now.”

Seeing that his face was pale and his back was soaked with sweat, Little Qing opened her mouth and wanted to say the words to send him back home. However, for some unknown reason, due to the grudge in his heart, he finally only watched him walk out of the door.

Song Qinghan staggers against the wall all the way. People in the village would stop and judge him.

“Isn’t this the man called ‘Song… Song whatever’ who cheated Childe Lin?”

“Oho, it doesn’t matter what the damn name he has? He is such a shameless male. Knowing his name is an insult to our ears!”

“What a pity for Dahu. He has grown up with a bad background. Finally, he got a chance to succeed but was soon seduced by this vixen. How could he give up his great future on his own initiative?”


The operation just now had consumed too much energy, which brought about more intense symptoms of low blood essence of Song Qinghan. Those unpleasant words became the last straw to crush Song Qinghan.

He seemed to remember a big hand holding his waist, and he murmured, “Dahu.”

Wu Dahu held him up anxiously, scanned the crowd and said in a low voice, “Get out of the way!”

All the onlookers were shocked by his cold eyes, leaving a path for them. After he left, the discussion voice grew louder.

“Look at his behavior. People who don’t know the fact may think the baby in the belly of that vixon is his child.”

“Yes, this is retribution considering he has a libertine female dad!”


They deliberately

magnified the volume of those words, which seemed to be intended for him to hear. Wu Dahu ignored them, but his hands holding Song Qinghan tightened and his eyes darkened.

When Song Qinghan woke up, it was dark. He turned his head and saw a pair of sparkling eyes in the darkness.

“Dahu? When did you come back? Why didn’t you light the candle?”

Song Qinghan struggled to get up, but his hands were held by Wu Dahu, so he couldn’t do anything.

“Don’t go out hereafter.” Wu said in a low voice.

Song Qinghan paused. He couldn’t tell whether Wu Dahan was worried about him or the baby, or if he had lost Wu’s face.

But he couldn’t agree not to go out.

“It depends.” He gave an ambiguous reply.

After being silent for a while, Wu Dahu didn’t say anything. He turned around and lit a candle and handed the food to Song Qinghan.

Eating slowly, Song Qinghan felt a little frustrated. He could feel that Wu Dahu was sullen, but he didn’t know where the anger came from. The only thing he knew was that the anger came for him.

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