chapter 35

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Lin Dafu delivered him a smile, and then answered in a rather good mood, “Well, tonight doesn’t count in. So you can do whatever you want, you’re free. But from tomorrow on, you have to be obedient to me.”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan leaf directly without giving even a look at Lin Dafu.

He couldn’t talk back in retort because he was a beggar now, a man lower down the pecking order and needed so much the assistance from Lin Dafu. If Wu Dahu wasn’t in jail, he probably would bring such a disappointment to this man now.

Anyway, Lin Dafu was just a man that took advantage of another’s perilous state.

Walking along back to the room with rage, Song Qinghan tried to force himself into sleep, thinking that it would be a tough and arduous day tomorrow.

The next morning, when the sun was beaming in through the window, Song Qinghan opened his eyes. But to his surprise, Lin Dafu was right aside staring at him with a pair of eyes full of affection. Song Qinghan screamed, but then turned to a rage, shouting at Lin Dafu, “How long have you been here? Are you a psycho? What’s the fun staring at someone sleeping>””

Lin Dafu got himself a sullen face all of a sudden, saying in his calmness, “Oops, you got a wrong attitude treating me today!”

At the moment when Song Qinghan was about to fight back verbally, the treaty made yesterday occurred to him suddenly, he then force himself to confront the man, asking in impatience, “What kind of attitude should I have then?”

Lin Dafu gestured, motioning Song Qinghan to close his eyes.

Song Qinghan couldn’t say no, he had to follow the orders that Lin Dafu made. He then closed his eyes, half-opened one. He wanted to have a peek.

“Now open your eyes.”

“Say in an exciting mood that ‘I’m soaking in shower of heaven when I open my eyes and you just show up.'”

“And then pull my hands and get up.”

Lin Dafu made all these orders in such an equanimity.

Song Qinghan was stunned listening to the words from Lin Dafu. He couldn’t make it since he thought it was creepy and disgusting.

Lin Dafu raised his eyebrows, saying, “Aren’t you going to get Wu Dahu out of jail now?”

That seemed to be a curse to Song Qinghan, he clenched his fists and forced himself to smile, saying in reluctance, “I’m soaking in shower of heaven when I open my eyes and you just show up.”

Then he loosened his hand and grabbed Lin Dafu’s wrist.

Just as he was about to put on his shoes, Lin Dafu suddenly stopped him, bending himself and taking the shoes. He was trying to help Song Qinghan put on shoes.

Song Qinghan subconsciously shrunk his feet. But then he noticed that Lin Dafu was going to lecture again, he obediently stretched his feet out.

Song Qinghan struggled to get himself off the bed, and right at the moment when he was about to relax a bit, it happened that Lin Dafu made another request, “Hold my hands!”

Such a creepy man arouse all the rage of Song Qinghan all of a sudden. With reluctance Song Qinghan stretched out to get Lin Dafu’s hands.

Fortunately, Lin Dafu wasn’t bothering when they had their breakfast. He just kept picking up the dish to the bowl of Song Qinghan, watching him to gobble everything.

After the breakfast, Lin Dafu looked out and found a great weather outside, he suggested with a big smile, “Look, the weather is quite good today. Well, it is probably bitingly cold out there on the lake, but with the warmest liquor and sunlight, it’s nothing.”

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