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Wu Dahu didn’t let Song Qinghan down. Before the sun started beaming as fierce as it could, he opened his eyes slowly, just as he saw the smiling face of Song Qinghan, he came to at ease suddenly as his strained nerve loosened at once, he loosened his hands, saying subconsciously, “I’m alright, don’t worry.”

The smile on Song Qinghan’s face got even deeper as he noticed that the first thing Wu Dahu did after woke up was to console him, he struggled to stand up, wipe the residual snow on his cloth. After making sure that the box wasn’t lost, he turned to Wu Dahu again, saying jubilantly, “Finally! Time to go back home! We got the material for making the antidote!”

Not long after they walked out, they met the group led by the master.

The master’s face assumed an expression of excitement when he saw that both of them were saved. But just as he noticed that the couple was holding hands tight, he paused and withdrew the happiness on his face.

“Are you going back home? Doctor Song. I wonder if there is still a hope for Goudan to be saved?”

Goudan’s femina father hurried to break in before the master spoke as he glanced at Goudan who was hurt badly everywhere.

Seeing that Goudan lowered down his head with an expression of self-accusation, Song Qinghan laughed suddenly, saying, “How come he can’t be saved? Just don’t give up and follow the steps I had mentioned to you, be hard and be ruthless. He will definitely be fine after three months.”

Hearing that, both Goudan and Goudan’s femina father were putting on an expression of excitement, they stared at each other in the eyes, and then nodded decisively, “Yes, we can make it! Thank you so much, Doctor Song!”

Song Qinghan nodded. Before he left, he seemed to have suddenly recalled something in his mind and asked, “Are you guys going back to the village? I suppose that all they had been ruined!”

The master looked up at the snow mountain which had regained its tranquility and peacefulness as his pair of eyes was loaded with full of determination, “We have inherited our mission from our ancestors, and we will keep our responsibility to accomplish it no matter what’s going to happen. As for our offspring, it depends on them whether they want to inherit or not.”

After that, the expression on his face suddenly softened, and then he said slowly and gently, “In addition, those houses aren’t a big deal, we will consider the idea you mentioned to us to rebuild our own village.”

“Alright,” sounded Song Qinghan, he was stunned at first, but then he smiled, and made a bow with both hands folded in front, “then, we will separate here, we will meet in the future if we get a chance!”

A trace of reluctance flashed across the master’s eyes, but he still smiled and said, “Okay! All the best!”

Only after eyeing the two turning around did the master sighed heavily and secretly.

Suddenly, a teenage boy popped out from aside and suggested to the master while his eyes were equipped with curiosity, “Master, keep him if you like him! We got so many people here, how come we can’t defeat just one bulky man?”

The master got his nerve strained all of a sudden and then reached out to cover the boy’s mouth. Realizing that Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan didn’t hear that, he heaved a heavy sigh of relief and roared in a low voice, “Don’t talk something nonsense, you little boy! You know nothing about that, go play yourself!”

The teenage boy was gently pushed by the master and he touched his head with embarrassment. When he noticed that the master was glaring at him, he fled away with a grinning smile.

A Western Doctor's Happy Farming Life[1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora