chapter 63

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Wu Dahu didn’t believe Yin Laosan’s every single word about his bad memory. It was obvious that this cunning fox was playing another trick deliberately. If it was Wu Decai who stood right in front of Yin Laosan, he would never give his credence on this man on the crook who talked about something like “Can’t wake up even though the sky collapses” thing.

After breakfast, and on the way again, Yin Laosan took the initiative to drive as if he was showing his great sincerity, and asked Wu Dahu to catch up some sleep.

Wu Dahu habitually thought about what Yin LaoSan could do to him this time. He found that there was nothing the tricky man could do, so he relaxed at once. Moving inside, he let Yin Laosan to control the drive.

Probably it was because that the night-watch duty was exhausting for Wu Dahu. He slept tight along the way. But then he was woken by the sound of clicking from the swords and knives.

He was shocked and then reached to touch the crossbow and dagger on his wrist. When he found everything was just well-set, he sighed with a relief.

“Damn you Yin Laosan! Where is this fxxking place you lead us to?”

It was Wu Decai who shouted outside. Seemingly, he was shouting while gritting his teeth.

Wu Dahu suddenly lifted the curtain of the carriage and flipped onto the ground. He rushed to the side of Laifu, frowning and asking, “What’s wrong?”

Actually, he could figure out something himself without Laifu’s response.

Two men holding knives and swords are fighting with Wu Decai and Wang Yuanbao not far away, and three reinforcements were rushing over from afar. Yin Laosan stood alone in the distance, waving his hands as if he was showing that he was innocent.

Just at the moment when he noticed the presence of Wu Dahu, he rushed to him with his eyes lit up, and then hid himself behind Wu Dahu.

Looking at Yin Laosan, the coward who now hid away, Laifu gushed angrily, “It’s him! I’m not quite sure why he would guide the way and bring us here while turning around on the halfway. And then we were noticed by those bandits on guard.”

Wu Dahu took a pause and pondered. He now could make sure that this Yin guy came here with an unknown intention. But he failed to figure out why this guy would try to resort any means to attract the bandits’ attention. What was his intention by that? If those bandits were much fiercer, he would be in danger too, surely.

Just at the moment the three reinforcements were approaching, Wu Dahu spoke to Laifu, saying, “Take care of yourself. I will join in the fight.”

Then he rushed to Wang Yuanbao and Wu Decai, helping them to fight against the bandits.

The tense situation was reversed all of a sudden since Wu Dahu’s participation. Those two bandits were beaten out of sh*t. And then Wu Dahu got approach, using the back of his dagger to stun the two. The two collapsed suddenly.

Just as Wu Decai was about to stab the bandits into their chest with his knife in hand, Yin Laosan shouted trying to interrupt, “Don’t do that! If you kill them we probably can’t make it to get out of this woods.”

Taking a pause, Wu Decai was about to ask the reason. But the reinforcements had already arrived, so he had to grab his knife and got ready for another fight. They seemed to have a really good martial skill, but they still solved them with great difficulty. And they didn’t kill them all but stunned them instead.

Searching around to make sure there wouldn’t be any other reinforcements coming over, Wu Dahu frowned and then turned to ask Yin Laosan, “How do you know that we will be trapped in this woods if we kill these bandits?”

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